Read the text and do the tasks given below. — КиберПедия 

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Read the text and do the tasks given below.

2017-11-17 243
Read the text and do the tasks given below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Where do you study now? What is your education?

2. What is your specialty? What profession are you getting now? What subjects do you study at the University?

3. What is your job? (Do you have a job?)(Do you work now?)

4. What is your job position? (должность)

5. Do your work for the company or work on your own?

6. How long have you been working for your company?

7. What things are you responsible for?

8. What are your main duties?

9. Do you have a career plan? What do you want to do in the nearest future?

10. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

weaknesses- слабости, недостатки; минусы; отрицательные свойства, качества

strengths- достоинство, сильная сторона

11. What professional skills do you need to have to be successful in your career? (to do your job well?)

12. Are you married? Do you have a family? How many are you?

13. Do you have any pet?

14. Do you have any hobby? What is hobby? What are you fond of?

15. What do you usually do in your free time? How do you relax?


1. I study at the Kuzbass State Technical University. My faculty is…


2. I am getting the master's degree now. My specialty is quality management. (управление качеством)

So I entered the University in 2010. But after getting the bachelor’s degree I made a decision to go on my higher education. And in 2016 I became a master to be a high qualified specialist.

We study a lot of subjects at the University such as English …

All the subjects are informative and necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] for my future professional activity.


3. I’ve got a job. But I combine work with study.


4. My job position is…

5. I work at (for)…


6. I have you been working for this company for about 5 years.



7. I am responsible for many things at my job. I am in charge for (doing smth)…


8. My main duties are …



9. I’ve got a career plan. I want to be a good specialist and do my job well and even perfectly. I also hope to earn more money. Because I think if a person has a good and right education his salary can be high.


10. I’ve got some strengths to do my job in a professional way (skillfully) профессионально.

I am…

I think I’ve got a little weaknesses.



11. To be successful in a career everyone should have some professional skills. As for me I always try to improve my professional skills. I try to develop organizational and interpersonal skills.(стараюсь развивать межличностные навыки и навыки организатора) I…



12. If you let me I’ll tell you some more details about me. I am married (I am single.) I have a family(children,pets)

13. I have a cat(dog, hamster- хомяк,chinchilla, rat)

14. I have a hobby. I like…

15. On my free time I usually …



Professional skills and qualities needed for a successful career: профессиональные умения, профессиональные навыки и качества необходимые для успешной карьеры:

1. be adaptable(open to new ideas)- легко адаптирующийся [приспосабливающийся] (к новым условиям труда, новым процессам и т. п.) flexible

2. be competitive- конкурентоспособный

3. to have the ability and experience to do the particular job-

4. to be organized-быть организованным

5. to be motivated-мотивированный

6. to be energetic and enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːzɪ'æstɪk] – активный и увлечённый

7. to be confident of['kɔnfɪd(ə)nt] - уверенный в (чём-л.)

8. to have good knowledge of computing-уметь работать с компьютером

9. to be hardworking- трудолюбивый, усердный

10. to be persistent [pə'sɪst(ə)nt] - настойчивый, упорный

11. to be creative[krɪ'eɪtɪv] созидательный, творческий, creative personality — творческая личность

12. to be practical and reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] – дельный и надёжный

13. be friendly- дружелюбный

14. to be ambitious [æm'bɪʃəs] - амбициозный, честолюбивый (полный амбиций, желающий достичь чего-л.)

15. to study for extra qualifications in free time- приобретать дополнительный навык, качество

16. to carry out every work on time-выполнять работу вовремя

17. to be polite [pə'laɪt]- вежливый, любезный

18. to follow the business etiquette-соблюдать деловой этикет

19. not to stop studying-не переставать учится

20. to achieve the goals-достигать целей

21. to set the right tasks- ставить правильные задачи

22. to be helpful- полезный

23. to work overtime- работать сверхнормы

24. to try to do my best- делать всё возможное



I. Read, translate and memorize the following word-combinations:

the right to make decisions, to influence company’s affairs, the most important responsibility of a manager, а skill of choosing from alternatives, to define and analyze the problem, to evaluate solutions, to implement the chosen approach, staffing and innovating, to have management skills, to be the key to business success.


Management is the art of getting things done through other people. It includes the personnel who hаvе the right to make decisions that influence company’s affairs.

There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operarting management. Тор management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers and plant managers. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen, etc.

The most important responsibility of any manager is decision-making. Successful management is а skill of choosing from alternatives.

Decision-makings are divided into: recognizing the problem, defining and analyzing the problem, evaluating alternative solutions, choosing the most favorable solution and implementing the approach chosen.

Management functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating. It should bе noted that successful management is based on three basic elements: leadership, motivation and communication.

То operate а successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to business success.


1) Whom does top management include? a) Planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating.  
2) What managers does middle management include? b) Department managers and plant managers.  
3) What specialists does operating management include?   c) Supervisors, foremen, etc.  
4) What steps is decision-making divided into?   d) Recognizing the problem, defining the problem and choosing the most favourable solution.  
5) What are the management functions? e) The president, vice presidents and the general manager.  


1. Where do you study now? What is your education?

2. What is your specialty? What profession are you getting now? What subjects do you study at the University?

3. What is your job? (Do you have a job?)(Do you work now?)

4. What is your job position? (должность)

5. Do your work for the company or work on your own?

6. How long have you been working for your company?

7. What things are you responsible for?

8. What are your main duties?

9. Do you have a career plan? What do you want to do in the nearest future?

10. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

weaknesses- слабости, недостатки; минусы; отрицательные свойства, качества

strengths- достоинство, сильная сторона

11. What professional skills do you need to have to be successful in your career? (to do your job well?)

12. Are you married? Do you have a family? How many are you?

13. Do you have any pet?

14. Do you have any hobby? What is hobby? What are you fond of?

15. What do you usually do in your free time? How do you relax?


1. I study at the Kuzbass State Technical University. My faculty is…


2. I am getting the master's degree now. My specialty is quality management. (управление качеством)

So I entered the University in 2010. But after getting the bachelor’s degree I made a decision to go on my higher education. And in 2016 I became a master to be a high qualified specialist.

We study a lot of subjects at the University such as English …

All the subjects are informative and necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] for my future professional activity.


3. I’ve got a job. But I combine work with study.


4. My job position is…

5. I work at (for)…


6. I have you been working for this company for about 5 years.



7. I am responsible for many things at my job. I am in charge for (doing smth)…


8. My main duties are …



9. I’ve got a career plan. I want to be a good specialist and do my job well and even perfectly. I also hope to earn more money. Because I think if a person has a good and right education his salary can be high.


10. I’ve got some strengths to do my job in a professional way (skillfully) профессионально.

I am…

I think I’ve got a little weaknesses.



11. To be successful in a career everyone should have some professional skills. As for me I always try to improve my professional skills. I try to develop organizational and interpersonal skills.(стараюсь развивать межличностные навыки и навыки организатора) I…



12. If you let me I’ll tell you some more details about me. I am married (I am single.) I have a family(children,pets)

13. I have a cat(dog, hamster- хомяк,chinchilla, rat)

14. I have a hobby. I like…

15. On my free time I usually …



Professional skills and qualities needed for a successful career: профессиональные умения, профессиональные навыки и качества необходимые для успешной карьеры:

1. be adaptable(open to new ideas)- легко адаптирующийся [приспосабливающийся] (к новым условиям труда, новым процессам и т. п.) flexible

2. be competitive- конкурентоспособный

3. to have the ability and experience to do the particular job-

4. to be organized-быть организованным

5. to be motivated-мотивированный

6. to be energetic and enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːzɪ'æstɪk] – активный и увлечённый

7. to be confident of['kɔnfɪd(ə)nt] - уверенный в (чём-л.)

8. to have good knowledge of computing-уметь работать с компьютером

9. to be hardworking- трудолюбивый, усердный

10. to be persistent [pə'sɪst(ə)nt] - настойчивый, упорный

11. to be creative[krɪ'eɪtɪv] созидательный, творческий, creative personality — творческая личность

12. to be practical and reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] – дельный и надёжный

13. be friendly- дружелюбный

14. to be ambitious [æm'bɪʃəs] - амбициозный, честолюбивый (полный амбиций, желающий достичь чего-л.)

15. to study for extra qualifications in free time- приобретать дополнительный навык, качество

16. to carry out every work on time-выполнять работу вовремя

17. to be polite [pə'laɪt]- вежливый, любезный

18. to follow the business etiquette-соблюдать деловой этикет

19. not to stop studying-не переставать учится

20. to achieve the goals-достигать целей

21. to set the right tasks- ставить правильные задачи

22. to be helpful- полезный

23. to work overtime- работать сверхнормы

24. to try to do my best- делать всё возможное



I. Read, translate and memorize the following word-combinations:

the right to make decisions, to influence company’s affairs, the most important responsibility of a manager, а skill of choosing from alternatives, to define and analyze the problem, to evaluate solutions, to implement the chosen approach, staffing and innovating, to have management skills, to be the key to business success.

Read the text and do the tasks given below.


Management is the art of getting things done through other people. It includes the personnel who hаvе the right to make decisions that influence company’s affairs.

There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operarting management. Тор management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers and plant managers. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen, etc.

The most important responsibility of any manager is decision-making. Successful management is а skill of choosing from alternatives.

Decision-makings are divided into: recognizing the problem, defining and analyzing the problem, evaluating alternative solutions, choosing the most favorable solution and implementing the approach chosen.

Management functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating. It should bе noted that successful management is based on three basic elements: leadership, motivation and communication.

То operate а successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to business success.

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