Match the words used in the text with the definitions. — КиберПедия 

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Match the words used in the text with the definitions.

2017-11-16 260
Match the words used in the text with the definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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fare abusive disruptive insulting to prohibit to refund to deny to claim to ban

1 unkind, rude language

2 to forbid, not to allow

3 a price for travel by bus, train or plane

4 to prevent, to make possible

5 a sum of money that is returned because of loss or damage

6 to refuse to accept as a fact

7 bringing to disorder

8 rude, without any respect

9 to state, to declare

4. a) In each list find the verb which is wrong and add it to the correct list.

receive tackle

miss introduce rules

book a flight obey

board ignore



claim deal with

catch a refund solve a problem

offer give


b) Use verb+noun combinations to complete the sentences below. Then answer the questions in brackets.

1. You should not ___ ___ if you don’t think they are sensible. (Do you agree?)

2. In my job I have to ___ a lot of ___ every day. (Is this true for you?)

3. If I ever need to ___ ___ ____, I always shop around at different travel agents to get the best deal. (Is this what you do?)

4. If you buy something that doesn’t work, you ___ ___ ___ or get the shop to change it. (When was the last time you did this?)

Travel experience

Complete the following sentences with information which is true for you

(be ready to give some more details about each point). Use the verbs and adjectives in the boxes below. You will need to change their grammatical form.

be have do go see hear meet stay buy
fabulous stupid marvellous ridiculous exciting wonderful silly beautiful great boring violent amazing hard disgusting strange nice attractive delicious brilliant fascinating frightening dull luxurious wild pathetic funny interesting terrible nasty relaxing stressful entertaining

1. I’ve ____ in some ____ hotels, but the one I ____ in in _____ (where?) must be the ____ I’ve ever ____ in.

2. The _____ city I’ve ever _____ to must be _____. I _____ there ____ (when?).

3. I’ve ____ some ____ people, but the guy/woman I ____ in ____ (where?) must be the ____ I’ve ever ____.

4. The ___ job I’ve ever ____ must be when I was a ____ (what?) for ____ (who?). I ­­___ that job for ____ (how long?).

5. I’ve ____ to some ____ parties, but the one I ____ to in ____ (where?) must be the ___ I’ve ever ____ to.

6. The ____ holiday I’ve ever ____ was when I ____ to ____ (where?). I ____ there for _____ (how long?).

7. I’ve ____ some ____ meals, but the ____ (what?) I ____ in ____ (where?) must be the ____ I’ve ever ____.

Read these extracts from interviews with people about their business trips. Then look at the words in bold in each extract and find six pairs of opposite phrases.












You are going to talk about a business trip. Think of a recent trip you have made and write notes to answer each question below.

• Where and when did you go?

• Why did you go?

• How did you go? Did anything interesting happen during the journey?

• Who did you meet?

• What happened during the trip?

• What happened later, as a result of your trip?

• Have you learned anything from the experience?


When you have prepared your notes, work with a partner and interview each other.


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