Write down one sentence summarizing the contents of the text. — КиберПедия 

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Write down one sentence summarizing the contents of the text.

2017-11-16 277
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11) Render the following text in English:


Яснее излагайте ваше основное сообщение; оно должно быть актуальным личным и убедительным.

Чтобы добиться этого, прежде всего ответьте на следующие вопросы:

• какие ключевые мысли вы хотите донести до аудитории;

• что слушатели должны запомнить;

• какие меры принять?

Сделайте ваше сообщение запоминающимся, начните его решительным тоном, не отклоняйтесь от сути, избегайте общих высказываний и банальностей и поясняйте абстрактные идеи конкретными примерами, с которыми аудитория может соотнести себя.

Поясняйте концепции, политику и подходы с помощью актуальных примеров. Лучше запоминаются те сообщения, которые вызывают наглядные образы. Визуальное общение является наиболее эффективным, а “вербальное” общение, вызывающее наглядные образы, использует эту эффективность и подкрепляет слова.

Фраза «Позвольте мне рассказать вам историю» является одной из самых подкупающих фраз, которые можно использовать в общении со слушателями. Истории (разумеется, правдивые) - это средство объяснения реальности, и чем они увлекательнее и интереснее, тем лучше мы понимаем реальность.

Если можно, персонифицируйте сообщения и не говорите о людях языком статистики.

Text В

A Speech Must Fit the Audience


Because every speech is aimed at a specific audience, you must know as much ail possible about yours. Who are they? Such factors as age, occupation, gender, religion, race, education, intelligence, vocabulary, residence, interests, attitudes, group memberships, knowledge, politics, and income may bear on what they will find interesting.

A talk before a professional group can also end up being more relevant if you pre­pare for it by doing some audience analysis and basic research. Talk to members of the profession. Get an idea of the issues or problems that face them. If you don't know any] one in the profession, at least go to the local library and read five or six issues of til group's professional journal. This will give you some insight and perhaps even provide you with some quotations from leaders in the field.

In summary, most audiences have a core of common interests; this should help you to prepare a speech that will appeal to them. A talk to the stockholders of a cor­poration should be considerably different from one to employees or to a consumer group.

A Speech Must Be Specific

People remember only a small part of what they hear. You must therefore make sure that they hear things they can remember. A vague generality has little or no chance of being understood, let alone remembered. The speech must be built around specific ideas phrased in clear and memorable language.

A vague statement - for example, "We ought to do something about illegal immi­gration" - has no chance of being effective. If it were more specific - say, "We should stop illegal immigration by requiring everyone to carry a tamperproof identification card" - it would offer the audience an idea that is definite and understandable.

□ Vocabulary:

bear on smth. - влиять

gender - пол

intelligence - интеллект

residence - место жительства

attitude - отношение

relevant - значимый

insight - понимание

core - суть

core (adj) - основной

stockholder - акционер

consumergroup - группа потребителей

vague - неопределенный, неясный

letalone - не говоря о

tamperproof - защищенный от подделок


1) Find English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:


нелегальная иммиграция; удостоверение личности; сталкиваться с проб­лемами; по меньшей мере; номер журнала; снабдить к.-л. ч.-л.; цитата; служащие; запоминающийся; политические взгляды; импонировать к.-л.

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:


1. the ability to understand what people or situations are really like -

2. to relate to and possible influence something -

3. the ability to learn, understand, and think about things -

4. the most important or central part of something -

5.directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered –

3) Match the words. Use them in sentences of your own:

local journal
vague audience
professional research
basic statement
specific library


4)Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. He shows great insight into human character.

2. These actions could influence voters and bear on whether he is elected.

3.Researchers were looking for ways to increase children's intelligence.

4. Math, science, English and history form the core of a high school education.

5. Do you have any relevant experience in advertising?


5) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

appeal (v) particular
professional related
specific buyer
relevant expert
consumer attract

6) Find the words having the opposite meaning:

consumer amateur
specific repel
relevant marketer
professional general
appeal (v) inappropriate

7) Complete the following sentences (effective; consumer; vague; stockholders; relevant):


1. Every speech is______at a specific audience.

2. A______statement has no chance of being_______.

3.A talk to the__________of a corporation should be considerably different from one

to employees or to a_________group.

4. A talk before a professional group can also end up being more_________

8) Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary to know as much as possible about the audience?

2. What factors bear on what the audience will find interesting?

3.How should a talk before a professional group be prepared?

4. What should help to prepare a speech that will appeal to the audience?

5. What should the speech be built around?

6. What sort of language should be used?

7. Why aren't vague statements advisable?

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