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11) Render the following item in English:

Отличительными чертами рекламы являются:

1) неличное представление информации (использование средств рекламы);

2) платность распространения информации;

3) четкое указание рекламодателя (заказчика);

4) побуждение объекта коммуникации к конкретным действиям.

Общие цели рекламы совпадают с целями маркетинга, однако как элемент системы коммуникаций реклама имеет цели: информирование, убеждение, напоминание.

В своей книге «Реклама. Теория и практика» Ч. Сэндидж, В. Фрайбукгер и К. Ротцолл приводят следующие основные задачи рекламы:

1) создание осведомленности о существовании товара или марки;

2) создание «образа марки» или благоприятной эмоциональной предраспо­ложенности к марке;

3) внедрение информации о выгодах и преимуществах марки;

4) умение отразить или подорвать утверждение конкурентов;

5) способность исправить превратные представления, развеять неправиль­ную информацию и устранить другие помехи сбыту;

6) умение добиться признания своими и легкой узнаваемости упаковки или торговой марки;

7) умение создать образ фирмы и добиться благоприятного отношения к ней;

8) умение заложить «фундамент репутации» для последующего выхода на рынке с новыми марками или новыми товарными группами;

9) внедрение в сознание потребителей уникального торгового предложения;

10) подготовка потенциальных потребителей к визиту коммивояжера.

По нашему мнению, сюда следовало бы добавить еще такие задачи:

• напоминание потребителю о товаре, событии и местах продаж;

• поддержание в памяти потребителей осведомленности о товаре на необхо­димом уровне.

Text С

Advantages of Advertising

Advertising is paid and controlled mass communication. This means that the organ­ization completely bypasses the newsroom gatekeepers and places its messages, exact­ly as written and formatted, with the medium's advertising department. Thus a pri­mary reason for using advertising as a communications tool is that control of the mes­sage remains with the sender.

Some other advantages of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser's control of the impact and timing.


Audience Selection


With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience. For example, commercials on stations can be fine-tuned to the audience with little regard for any other people. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little exposure to others. Different ideas can be conveyed to different groups, and efforts can be concentrated in the most important areas.

For any public relations program, certain groups or publics are more important than others. Reaching them may be imperative, while reaching others may be optional. To be sure of reaching your key publics, you can rely on advertising.



advantages - сильные стороны; преимущества

masscommunication - средство массовой коммуникации

bypass - обходить, объезжать; игнорировать

gatekeeper - цензор

message - сообщение; послание

format - форматировать; производить разметку текста

medium (pi. media) - среда; средство, способ

themedium - средство распространения рекламы (например, радиостанция, жур­нал, газета)

primary - первостепенный, главный, первый

remain - оставаться

sender - отправитель; экспедитор

selectivity - отобранность, отбор; избирательность

impact - воздействие рекламы (на аудиторию)

timing - согласованное действие; срок, выбор времени, расчет времени

audienceselection - отбор / подбор аудитории

commercials - рекламные ролики; рекламные вставки, передачи

reach - добираться до; достигать; охватывать, завоевывать (аудиторию реклам­ным сообщением по меньшей мере один раз за определенный период времени) exposure - воздействие, контакт

convey - передавать

effort - усилие

imperative - императивный; обязательный; настоятельный

optional - необязательный, произвольный

publics - группы аудитории

key - основной, ключевой, главный

relyon - полагаться на; доверять


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:


1. платное и контролируемое средство связи

2. размещать свои сообщения

3. отдел рекламы

4. (очень) своеобразная аудитория

5. завоевать, охватить аудиторию


2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. ways of sending information, such as using radio, television, or computers -

2. an individual who controls the flow of information -

3. a measure of the degree to which a receiver differentiates between signals from two or more broadcast stations -

4. the time, day, etc. when someone does something, especially when you are con­sidering how appropriate this is -

5. to arrange a book, page, etc. according to a particular design or plan; to layout a document to be printed -

6. to be seen or heard by the audience -

7. if something is unimportant, you do not have to do it or use it, but you can choose to if you want to -

8. extremely important, necessary and urgent -


3) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences of your own:


to bypass the newsroom gatekeepers;

written and formatted messages;

a primary reason for...;

a communications tool;

control remains with the sender;

the advertiser’s control of the impact and timing;

commercials can be fine-tuned to the audience;

with little regard for any other people.


4) Match the words which are close in the meaning:


primary necessary
to remain to win
to reach to stay behind
key important
different voluntary
optional various
imperative main
  5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:
imperative worthless
paid to distrust
to expose partially
important voluntary
to rely on to be doubtful
to be sure of roughly
completely to conceal
exactly free


6) Insert prepositions where necessary (with; in):

1. The organization places its messages_____the medium's advertisingdepartment.

2. Control of the message remains______the sender.

3.________ advertising you can reach___________a very specific audience.

4. Advertisements___________specialized publications can reach_________theirreaders_________very little exposure to others.

7) Complete the sentences with the following words (advantages; reach; exposure; advertising; imperative; publics; commercials):


1._________is paid and controlled mass communication.

2. Some other_______of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser'scontrol of the impact and timing.

3. With advertising, you can________a very specific audience.

4.__________on stations can be fine-tuned to the audience with little regard forother people.

5. To be sure of reaching your key__________, you can rely on advertising.

6. Reaching certain groups or publics may be__________.

7. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little ______to others.


8) Complete the following sentences from the text and translate them into Russian:


1. Advertising is paid and......

2. Thus a primary reason for using advertising..............

3. For example, commercials on stations can be fine-tuned to....................

4. Different ideas can be conveyed to...................

5. Reaching them may be imperative, while..................


9) Make up questions for these answers:

1....................................................................? Advertising is paid and controlled mass


2....................................................................? A primary reason for using advertising as a

communications tool is that control of the message remains with the sender.

3....................................................................? Some other advantages of advertising are its

selectivity and the advertiser's control of the impact and timing.

4....................................................................? Advertisements in specialized publications

can reach their readers with very little exposure to others.

5....................................................................? To be sure of reaching your key publics, you

can rely on advertising.


10) Explain the following:

1. With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience.

2. For any public relations program, certain groups or publics are more important than others.


11) Explain the grammatical structure of the sentences. Write down two sentences of your own with the same form:


With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience.


12) Develop the idea of audience selection, begin with the sentence. Use no more than 80 words:


"With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience".


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