Families have a great-great future. — КиберПедия 

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Families have a great-great future.

2017-10-17 1796
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Twenty years ago, the typical extended family was 'wide'. It usually consisted of two or three generations, with many children in each 'nuclear family'. People had lots of aunts and uncles but often didn't know their grandparents. However, according to a new study by the British research group Mintel, the family is changing shape. Here are some of their predictions:

1. Most children will know their great-grandparents (and even great-great-grandparents) because people are living longer.

2. Very few children will have brothers or sisters, and it will be common to be an only child. As a result, future generations will not have many cousins either.

3. Many people will grow up isolated from other children and young adults. This will make them more selfish and introverted.

4. More couples will divorce and re-marry, some more than once. They may have children with their new partners, so many children will have a stepmother or stepfather and half-brothers or sisters.

5. There will be more single-parent families.


Задание 2. Сопоставьте подчеркнутые слова с их определениями.

1. extended family 2.great-grandparents 3.great-great-grandparents 4.cousins 5.an only child 6.couples 7.stepmother 8.half-brothers 9.single-parent families   a). your grandparents’ parents b). a child who doesn’t have any brothers and sisters c). families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his/her own d). your uncle’s or aunt’s children e). the family of your husband/wife f). all your relatives including your aunts, grandparents, etc. g). your grandparents h). boys who have the same father as you but a different mother i). the new wife of your father j). people who are having a relationship

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is extended family?

2. Did people have lots of aunts and uncles 20 years ago? Did they know them?

3. Will future generations have many cousins? Why?

4. Why will people be more selfish?

5. Will there be more single-parent families? Why do you think so?

Задание 4. Прокомментируйте предсказания из текста. Воспользуйтесь полезными фразами, данными ниже. Запишите ваше мнение после каждого высказывания (2 предложения для каждого высказывания).

1. Very few children will have brothers or sisters.

2. There will be more single-parent families.

3. More couples will divorce and re-marry.

Useful language.







Задание 5. Подберите подходящее прилагательное для каждого предложения.

Образец: 1. “I’m going to beat him if it’s the last thing to do.” - impatient

2. “I don’t like working. I prefer to sit and watch TV.” -

3. “Take your time – I can wait.” -

4. “No problem. You can depend on me.” -

5. “Oh great! A party! I love being with my friends.” -

6. “I don’t want to go to the party. I hate meeting new people.” -

7. “I understand exactly how you feel.” -

8. “Right. John, go and buy the food. Maria, tidy the room.” -


Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his car every week. 4. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 6. We (not to rest) yesterday. 5. My brother (not to manage) to visit our cousin because he (to be) busy yesterday. 6. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 7. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - - No, I..... Yesterday I (to come) home at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. Then I (to try) to relax.



Вариант 6

Задание 1. Переведите статью письменно.

The Internet and education.

Until quite recently Silicon Valley and its innovations had little effect on teaching and learning. But with the rise of the Internet, information technology is beginning to have much more influence on education. Two areas which are becoming more and more significant are 'blogs' and 'wikis'.

The word 'blog' is short for 'weblog'. A blog is an online diary of or 'log' of someone's life, thoughts, opinions. Anybody can create their own 'blog' and blogging is becoming extremely popular – type 'blog' into Google and you'll get over 500 million results. For educational purposes, academics, teachers, and students create blogs as personal online study sites: places to work together and share information and ideas.

'Wikis' are websites where anyone can add content and make changes, so that the site becomes a group creation – 'wiki' stands for ' W hat I K now I s'. These sites can be a valuable source of information and opinion for students, though the information may not be totally accurate – some academics refuse to use them. Perhaps the best known wiki is the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Wikipedia is working hard to make sure that its information is completely accurate, so students will be able to use it with confidence, and there's no doubt that it is incredible resource.


Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is information technology more or less important in education than before?

2. Where does the word ‘blog’ come from?

3. What is ‘blog’?

4. What are blogs used for at universities?

5. What does ‘WIKI’ mean?

6. Who puts the information on this kind of website?

7. Why do students need to be careful if they use ‘Wikis’ when they study?

8. What is Wikipedia?


Задание 3. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения, воспользуйтесь текстом, если необходимо.

1. With the rise of the Internet, information technology is beginning to have much more influence on __________.

2. A __________ is an online diary.

3. For educational purposes, academics, teachers, and __________ create blogs as personal online ___________ sites.

4. 'Wikis' can be a valuable source of­ __________.

5. The best known wiki is the online _________, Wikipedia.


Задание 4. Разгадайте загадки и запишите ответ (в скобках указано количество букв в загаданном слове).

1. A period of time that the school year is divided into (4 letters or 8 letters).

2. The opposite of pass a test/exam (4 letters).

3. The person whose job is to teach at school (7 letters).

4. After primary school you go to __________ school (9 letters).

5. Pupils usually have to __________ homework (2 letters).

6. University graduates have a d__________ (6 letters).

7. The subjects in which you study novels, plays, and poetry (10 letters).

8. The opposite of the state school (7 letters).

9. The subject in which you study chemical substances (9 letters).

10. The study of numbers (5 letters).

Задание 5. Вставьте пропущенные слова из колонки В в предложения из колонки А.

1) We have to wear a horrible ______! 2) The ______ here is very ______. 3) The ______ is terrible this ______! 4) I love ______. It’s my favourite ______. 5) Look! The ______ ______ are on the notice board. a. Maths b. term c. exam results d. subject e. uniform f. strict g. discipline h. timetable

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Simple.

1.They always (have) breakfast at 7.

2. He (not/wear) glasses.

3. She usually (have) cereal for breakfast.

4. I (be) never late for work.

5. We (need) an answer from you before Wednesday.

6. She (not/eat) meat at all.

7. He never (reply) to my emails.

8. He (be) an accountant.

9. We (not/know) her.

10. My mum (like) making pasta.



Вариант 7

Задание 1. Переведите текст письменно.

We are family...

(two sisters tell the truth about themselves – and each other)

WENDY, the younger sister says:

I always thought Carnie was really cool. Especially when she was a teenager and had bright red hair. I desperately wanted to be with her and her friends, and sometimes I followed them, but she hated that.

When we were kids we both had a lot of material things like toys and clothes, but even then we knew that Mom and dad weren't happy. Our parents separated and we stayed with my Mom. And it was the thing that brought me and Carnie closer together. Nothing is going to stop us from being sisters.

CARNIE, the older sister says:

I sometimes think that poor Wendy has spent all her life competing with me. She was a very quite, shy child, while I was incredibly talkative – I was awful! I wasn't interested in studying, all I wanted to do was parties, and Wendy used to tell my parents.

I was very jealous of Wendy also because she was more attractive than me. But she always defended me when other people criticized me. We were also very close and a lot of fun together.


Задание 2. К какой из сестер это относится? Напишите W(Wendy), если информация относится к Венди или C(Carnie), если к Карни.

Which of two sisters…

1. had a more eccentric hairstyle

2. didn’t want to be with her sister

3. tried to compete with her sister

4. wasn’t a good student

5. told her parents when her sister something wrong

6. was jealous of her sister

7. always defended the other sister


Задание 3. Подберите и запишите значение данных слов.


a. boring

b. fashionable


a. children

b. adults


a. love

b. not to love


a. quiet

b. sociable


a. talks a lot

b. independent

To be close

a. to get on very well

b. to get on very badly


Задание 4. Какими качествами характера обладает ребенок, если он старший (младший, средний) среди своих братьев или сестер? Какие качества присущи единственному ребенку в семье?

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