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2017-10-16 188
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I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:

analysis, antiguity, aspect, cartography, dimatology, complex, energy, fauna, flora, geology, geomorphology, global, hydrology, industrial, interpretation, mathematics, method, mineral, natural, ocean, phenomena, physics, potential, rational, regional, resources, service, specific, territory.


II. Запомните следующие слова. Переведите словосочетания и предложения на русский язык.

area – район, зона, область, край, территория

What is the area of this country? There are no lakes in this area.

branch – отрасль, ветвь

a branch of a tree, a branch of science, a branch of family, a branch railway.

describe – описывать; description - описание

The article deseribes the climatic conditions of Belarus.

There is a very good description of the country's landscape in the textbook.

environment – окружающая среда

Many people are concerned about the environment.

The factory pollutes the environment.

explore – исследовать; explorer – исследователь; exploration - исследование

They explored the northern part of the island.

J. Cook was a famous explorer.

I've read an article about Arctic exploration.

general – общий, всеобщий

general education, general election, general concern, general idea.

landscape - ландшафт

a city / urban landscape,

a country / rural landscape

mountain range – горная цепь

There are no high mountain ranges in Belarus.

The Pounine mountain range is the backbone of the isle of Great Britain.

natural – природный, естественный, натуральный

natural mineral wealth.

Try to look natural for you photo.

Tom is a natural musician.

ore – руда

metallic ores, copper ore, polymetallic ores.

plain – равнина

the great plains of the USA.

Our plane was flying across a vast plain.

plot – наносить на карту

plot the route of the expedition;

plot the position of the ship.

recreational – развлекательный, рекреационный

recreational facilities, recreational areas.

resources – ресурсы, запасы, (природные) богатства

mineral resources, scarce resources, vast resources.

regional – региональный

regional development, regional problems.

subterranean – подземный

subterranean waters / caves / rivers / lakes

timber – лесоматериалы, строевой лес

timber resources, timber processing.

vegetation – растительность

scarce vegetation, tropical vegetation.

III. Прочитайте и переведите текст



The origins of geography as a science go back to antiquity. At first, it concerned itself with the description of various parts of the world, of near and distant countries. The name "geography" means "description of the Earth" (from the Greek "geo-" earth, and grapho" – I write).

Geographers and travellers penetrated every corner of the Earth and plotted all the explored areas on geographical maps. Eventually very few unexplored places remained, and geography went over from fact gathering and description to the interpretation and explanation of the arrangement of things on the Earth's surface.

Modern geography makes a deep analysis of the relationship among the phenomena of nature and of the economic life of society. In studying these relationships, geographers make use of other branches of science such as physics, chemistry biology, geology, mathematics and social sciences.

The main emphasis in geographic research is now on studying the natural environment, the natural resources of specific areas and determining the most rational methods of utilizing them.

Discovery is still one of the fascinating aspects of this science. There are some blank spaces on the map of the world.

What vast natural resources every such blank space conceals! Mountain ranges abound in ore, valuable timber and swift mountain torrents, the potential source of energy; wide-stretching plains rich in forests, various kinds of minerals, rivers, lakes and subterranean waters and the ocean is rich in food fauna and minerals. To reveal the secrets of unexplored territories and water areas, to chart them on a map, to study nature's riches and place them at the service of mankind – such is the task of the geographic explorer.

Modern geography is a complex science having many interconnected branches. They are: physical geography, economic geography, social geography and cartography.

Physical geography includes landscape study, geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, soil geography and biogeography; economic and social geography include population geography, industrial geography, agricultural geography, geography of transport and service. Cartography is concerned with making up of all sorts of maps. On the boundary between physical and economic geography there have appeared some "marginal" branches of geography: political, historical, medical and recreational, geography.

General geography studies global problems, while regional geography is concerned with the study of nature and resources of a definite country or area.


IV. Найдите в тексте слова, определения которым даны ниже:

a) a science that is concerned with the description of the Earth;

b) a place on the Earth's surface that has not been explored and plotted on the map;

c) a branch of geography that is concerned with making up maps;

d) nature's riches that can be used by mankind;

e) a person who explores nature;

f) a group of mountains.


V. Найдите в тексте слова и словосочетания, близкие по значению следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

to study; a far-away country; plot on a map; to find out; unexplored areas; abundant resources, to be rich in something, to open a secret; to make it possible for mankind to use nature's riches; underground waters.


VI. Найдите в тексте слова, противоположные по значению следующим словам:

to be unconcerned, to conceal, distant, general geography, indefinite, regional problems, scarce resources, valueless.



VII. Найдите в тексте прилагательные, характеризующие следующие существительные:

area, environment, geography, mountain torrents, plains, resources, spaces.


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