Ex.6. Match the words and word combinations in A with their definitions in B. Translate the definitions. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.6. Match the words and word combinations in A with their definitions in B. Translate the definitions.

2017-10-16 267
Ex.6. Match the words and word combinations in A with their definitions in B. Translate the definitions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. dual-system train a. the percentage of passengers using the service
2. horsepower b. a fixed price paid or charged for services
3. newton (N) c. a single alternating electromotive force with the currents in the two wires differing in phase by 180 degrees or a half cycle
4. occupancy rate d. a combination of one or more locomotives and attached railroad cars, or a self-propelled multiple units
5. power output e. the pulling force exerted by a locomotive
6. rate f. units of measurement, the rate at which work is done.
7. single-voltage current g. a train powered by dual voltage units
8. tractive effort h. the actual amount of power of the locomotive
9. trainset i. unit of force in the International System of Units (SI)


Ex.7. Translate the words and word combinations given in the box into English. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and translate the sentences.

двухсистемные поезда степень загруженности лошадиная сила килоньютон однофазный тарифы сила тяги локомотива железнодорожные составы выходная мощность

1. In order to start a train and accelerate it to a given speed, locomotives must develop sufficient _____ to overcome the train's resistance to motion, which is a combination of inertia, friction, and the force of gravity if on a grade.

2. When ____ are an integral element of a country's technology strategy, they can be highly effective in helping to increase and maintain the country's economic health.

3. The term _____was adopted in the late 18th century by Scottish engineer James Watt to compare the output of steam engines with the power of draft horses.

4. On the Earth's surface, _____ is about 101.97162 kilogram-force of load, so multiplying the kilonewton value by 100 is a good rule of thumb.

5._____ would be necessary for the new line like those used on the extension to Stade.

6. Engine capacity is measured in cubic inches, or cubic centimetres, while kilowatts or horsepower are used to measure _____.

7. Vehicles with a higher number of seats have a better fuel economy if they are fully occupied, so the average ____ of public transport in operation is much higher than for the average Sport Utility Vehicle or Minivan.

8. Special ____ traction power networks may operate at 16.67 Hz or other frequencies to power electric railways.

9. On 7 October 2010, it was reported that Eurostar had selected Siemens as preferred bidder to supply 10 Siemens Velaro _____ at a cost of?600 million

Ex.8. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary if necessary.


High-speed rail is emerging in Russia as an increasingly popular means of transport, although its development is moving at a slower pace than in Western Europe.

Two experimental high-speed trainsets were built in 1974 designed for 200 km/h operation: the locomotive-hauled RT-200 ("Russkaya Troika") and the ER-200 EMU. The RT-200 set made only experimental runs in 1975 and 1980 and was discontinued due to the unavailability of the high-speed locomotive, which was only delivered later. The ER-200 EMU was put into regular service in 1984. In 1992 a second ER-200 trainset was built in Riga. Both sets retired.

Sapsan is a 1,520 mm gauge high speed train in Russia. The design is part of the Siemens Velaro family.

The trains started regular service on the Moscow- Saint Petersburg Railway in December 2009 at a maximum speed of 250 km/h (a new build High-Speed Line would allow for speeds of up to 330 km/h or 205 mph).

On 18 May 2006 Siemens and Russian Railways signed a? 276m order for 8 high speed trains with a 30-year service contract worth around?300m.

The trains were ordered to connect Moscow with Saint Petersburg and later Nizhny Novgorod at a speed of up to 250 km/h. They are derived from the German ICE 3 train but with bodies widened by 330 mm to 3,265 mm to suit Russia's wide loading gauge. Four of the trains are equipped for both 3 kV DC and 25 kV 50 Hz AC operation. The total length of each ten-car train is 250 m, carrying up to 600 passengers.The car width is 3.265 metres and its height is 4.4 metres. The power output is 8,000 kW (11,000 hp) and the tractive effort is328kN (starting) and 298 kN (continuous).

Development and construction was carried out by Siemens in Germany. In August 2009 it was announced that the fifth Sapsan had been delivered to Russia, of the eight that were planned.

Power is delivered to the locomotives via an overhead line (catenary). Four single-voltage ("EVS1", 3 kV DC powered) trains entered passenger service at the end of 2009 on the Moscow-St Petersburg route, with the dual-system trains (EVS2) entering service on the Nizhny Novgorod route on 30 July 2010

Sapsan set records for the fastest train in Russia on 2 May 2009, travelling at 281 km/h and on 7 May 2009, travelling at 290 km/h.

Since entering service in December 2009, it has been Russian Railways' only profitable passenger service, with an occupancy rate of 84.5%. According to the timetable valid from 30 October 2011, the direct train from Moscow to St Petersburg without intermediate stops needs 3:40, the train from Moscow to Nizhniy Novgorod 3:55 hours.

Introduction of Sapsan initially provoked cancelling of affordable daytime trains between Moscow and St Petersburg. By the end of 2012 Moscow-St Petersburg daytime trains other than Sapsan were running again.

There were a series of stone throwing attacks against Sapsan trains. As possible reasons cancelling of commuter trains, disruption of local transportation in rural areas and accidents because of poor safety for pedestrians were mentioned.

On July 1, 2012 the company "Russian Railways" uses a new tariff system, which provides a flexible price of a ticket on the train "Sapsan." Fares vary automatically based on two factors:

· The date of sale of the ticket,

· Percentage of occupied seats on the train.

Ex.9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

всё больше и больше, на локомотивной тяге, электропоезд, испытательный пробег, договор на обслуживание, приводить в соответствие с, установить рекорд, отмена, гибкие цены, занятые места, первоначально.

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