Rules of the Sequence of Tenses — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

Rules of the Sequence of Tenses

2017-10-16 3702
Rules of the Sequence of Tenses 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки
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In subordinate clauses the tenses are used relatively, i.e. the tense form shows if the actions of subor­dinate and principal clauses are simultaneous, preceding or following. The choice of the tense in subordinate clause depends on the tense form in principal clause. This structurally dependent use of tenses in clauses is called the rules of the sequence of tenses.

This relative use of tenses is observed in object clauses.

Rule 1. If the action of object clause is simultaneous with principal clause, Past Indefinite or Past Continuous is used in object clause no matter which past form is in the principal clause (Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, or Future-in-the-Past).

§ I thought you were joking.

§ He had not realized how nervous she was.

§ He would never know what she was thinking.

Rule 2. If the action of object clause precedes that of principal clause, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous is used in the object clause.

§ The people knew where she had been, what she had been doing.

§ He was telling them what he had been concealing.

Rule 3. If the action of object clause follows that of principal clause, Future-in-the-Past is used.

§ He thought of how wet they were going to get in the rain.

§ She knew that George would be waiting for her.

Sequence of tenses in object clauses is sometimes violated:

1). in present-time contexts after a past principal clause when the idea is made to actual present (a), past (b) or future time (c). This is used in dialogues, newspaper and ra­dio reports.

a) I told Lewis that we are worried about him.

b) I think you said you came in a taxi.

c) I came to tell you that I'll vote against you.

2). dealing with facts of general truth. In this case Present Simple is used in object clause.

§ You made me understand what love really is.

§ They were young and did not know what it is to be in society.

3). with modal verbs having one form: must, should, ought and need.

§ I wrote that I must see him.

§ I knew that from now on he should do no more work.

§ Two people advised me that I ought to see a doctor.

Sequence of tenses is strictly ob­served in:


a)subject and predicative clauses:

§ Why they had voted against him was a mystery. (subj.)

§ My fear was that he would forget what he was sup­posed to do. (predicative)


b)appositive clauses (приложение):

§ The author doubted that readers of the paper would support the candidate.


c)clauses of purpose (mainly with can and may):

§ I wanted to move to London so that I could begin a new life.

§ He exclaimed loudly and clearly, so that all might hear.



Ex. 42. Choose the best-suited means of denoting future actions viewed from the past in the following sentences:


1. He asked him if he (to stay) for supper and (to meet) the staff. 2. We all knew that Basil (to have) to cut his hair when he (to go) into the army. 3. Rehearsals at the theatre (to begin) at the end of March. The season (to open) in May. 4. She had heard they (to send) somebody from Sidney to inspect their work. 5. Your mother thought that you (to want) a place of your own when you (to come) out of the army. 6. Renny started out early the next day. He knew it (to be) hot. 7. Marge informed her landlady that she soon (to leave). 8. Then one day he suddenly asked me if I (to marry) him. 9. The grand wedding ball (to begin) at eight o'clock that evening. 10. I did not know what (to become) of me. 11. Did you think you (to be) believed? 12. He saw to it that she (to get) everything she needed. 13. I hoped he (to find) some fun where he (to go) for his holiday. 14. Peter (to dine) with the Duncans on Sunday. But in the morn­ing he called up and asked if he might be excused because his father (to come) down and they (to have) a family party. 15. He took care that his luggage (to be) sent directly to the hotel.


Ex. 43. Make the actions in the following object clauses simultaneous with those of their principal clauses:


1. I was surprised you (to know) my name. 2. She cannot imagine what he (to do) there. 3. I've forgotten what he (to look) like. 4. I did not know whether the doctor (to mean) what he (to say) or whether he (to have) a joke at my expense. 5. They'll say you (not to make) proper use of your information. 6. When he had a chance he would certainly ask her if she (to do) her bit to make the party a success. 7. "Hallo, Jack," Mrs Holt smiled at him. "My husband has been telling me how much he (to like) you." 8. Quite soon he'll be asking if all the doors (to be) locked for the night. 9. He had told his father that now he (to make) ten dollars a week less. 10. The last two weeks she had been saying to everyone who phoned her that she (to be) unwell and (not to leave) home. 11. It was strange to me that her world (to seem) to contain no conflict. 12. When I knew him better he admitted that he (to feel) lonely in London. 13. "I had hoped to take a dip before breakfast," Mrs Smith said, "but I found Joseph (to clean) the pool." 14. It was a pity I no longer (to care) in the least about Pat. 15. David, Nellie has been telling me she (not to get) anywhere in her present job.


Ex. 44. Make the actions in the following object clauses precede those of their principal clauses:


1. David said that he (to ask) permission from the director for me to watch the dress rehearsal. 2. I knew that for the past twenty-five years he (to buy) the same paper each morning. 3. Indeed it was whispered that the headmaster (to receive) a. telegram from the boy's father. 4. You'll see what I (to write) about you. 5. But he was uneasy. His wife would easily find out why he (to go) to Saigon. 6. It is not known where he (to spend) his early childhood. 7. I don't know what (to go) wrong between them. 8. Then he admitted that he (to live) since the summer in his father's house. 9. Of course he'll wonder why you (to cry). 10. It's a pity you (to miss) that concert. 11. Her mother had once confided to her that she (to want) to be an actress. 12. It was probably true that he (to be) quite fond of his late brother. 13. One day I'll tell you why I never (to marry). 14. I wonder what she (to do) there so late at night. 15. "I'm glad you (to come) early," she said again. 16. Have you heard that I (to be) given that job? 17. You know how hard I (to try) to talk them out of it?


Ex. 45. Make the actions in the following object clauses follow these of their principal clauses:


1. He decided that he (to go) to Berlin as soon as possible. 2. He had written to her that he (to come) home. 3. I sent them a telegram this morning to say I (to go) to England and that I (to write). 4. I'll ask him what he (to have) for lunch. 5. They wondered if he (to come) back. 6. I'm sorry. I'd quite forgotten you (to stay) here. 7. Before leaving the house in the morning, she had told her mother she (to work) in the hospital that afternoon. 8. I won't mention where he (to be) sent. 9. It is improbable that they (to make) any considerable progress in so short a time. 10. I think you (to stay) in town for a night at least. 11. It was understood that he (to invite) us to lunch on Saturday.


Ex. 46. Explain why the rules of the sequence of tenses are not observed in the following sentences:


1. I just wanted to thank you and tell you, you don't have to be there tomorrow at two p.m. 2. Yet was it not plain that he ought, whatever his motives for it might be, to break with Jessica and to see her no more? 3. Не spoke with the satisfaction of a competent workman who knows his job from A to Z. 4. I practised for only about a quarter of an hour, then watched the others shoot. I had forgotten how deafening a pistol can be. 5. His only passion was for the beauty of nature, and he sought felicity in the simple and natural things that life offers to everyone. 6. She began to consider how she should face her family. 7. Monty had told me that he had no permit for the gun, and that in England it is illegal to own a gun without a permit. 8. His room was getting cold, and I knew I should go; but we sat there because it’s difficult to go without any particular rea­son for leaving. 9. "Eat your milk," she said, "it is getting cold." Billy folded his arms and leaned back. "I told you I don't like milk." 10. "Did anybody telephone Father at the shop?" "I was out. But Mrs Chapman said he took a call." 11. I thought he' ll go there tomorrow. 12. He knew that he must not tell Willy about his friend. 13. After a few trips to the stream I realized why fishing as a sport takes such a hold on such different types of people. 14. I felt like a man who wants to fall down and go to sleep, but is forced to keep on walking. 15. He made me realize that half the confusion of philosophers is not a failure to find the right answers, but a failure to ask the right questions.


Ex. 47. Use the required forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the sequence of tenses:


1. He hastened back home in the hope that the guests {not to go) all yet. 2. Well, I don't think I ever (to see) you before. 3. She ended by saying that she (to think) she (to make) a mis­take. 4. She knew what (to go) on in their minds. 5. She felt that her father (not to want) to disturb her. 6. She had telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad. 7. An old friend rang up to ask if they (to have) a good time in Italy, how Elisabeth (to feel), and whether she (can) go with his wife to a concert on Sunday morning. 8. I could see that he (to be) glad that the talk (to turn) to a new subject. 9. It's odd that they both (to turn) up there about the same time. 10. She had not yet figured out what she (to do) and she (to hope) to be able to wait a little. 11. It was possible that Jack (to hang) around. 12. She knew that John (to work) very hard and (not to agree) certainly to taking a holiday at the moment. 13. She didn't know why she (to invent) suddenly the story. 14. He wondered if Sinclair (to have) to go to his father to get the money and (to have) to explain why he (to need) it.


Ex. 48. Translate the following into English, observing the rules of the sequence of tenses:


1. Я был уверен, что он уже жалеет, что написал ей. 2. Мне показалось, что он утомлен, и я спросил его, чем он занимался. 3. У меня было впечатление, что он уже давно здесь. 4. Я кивнул и сказал «да», чувствуя, что это именно то, что ей нужно. 5. Убедившись, что он ничего не сделает, чтобы помочь мне, я изменил свои планы. 6. Я подозревал, что она просто забыла сказать, что я жду. 7. Он знал, о чем она думает. 8. Я понятия не имею, знает ли она, что Фил будет здесь. 9. Кстати, Тед знает, что моя сестра приезжает завтра? 10. Он еще не знал, что будет делать в Нью-Йорке.


Ex. 49. Revision: use the required verb forms in the following sentences:


1. As he (to think) for months about leaving his wife and (not to do) it because it (to be) too cruel to deprive her of himself, her departure (to be) a very healthful shock. 2. When she nearly (to reach) the end of the curve she (to see) a figure ahead of her. 3. Mary (to return) to the room. Al (to sit) down beside the gas fire and (to take) off his shoes. 4. Her eyes (to be) puffed, and she obviously (to cry) that after­noon. 5. No sooner I (to arrive) than I (to send) her a letter to say that. I (to have) a present for her. 6. I (to get) back as soon as I (to get) through with my business. 7. His cheek (to be) cut. When she (to see) it she (to say): "Oh, you (to fight) again." 8. He (to have) a son of twenty-seven. He (to farm) in New Zealand. 9. She (to make) me promise to say nothing about it till she (to have) a chance of breaking the news to her father gradually. 10. "How's the baby?" "Frightfully well, thank you, Aunt Emma. He (to walk). " 11. As we (to drive), her eyes (to stare) rigidly out of the car window. 12. Before we (to walk) four hundred yards he (to take) his jacket off. 13. She (to become) aware that Tony (to come) back and consider­ately (to say) nothing. 14. Delany (to sit) up in bed and (to eat) his dinner when Jack (to come) into the room. His complexion (to be) ruddy. Obviously he (to be) shaved. He (to have) a glass of red wine with his meal. He (to wave) his fork as he (to see) Jack. 15. He (to remain) in his seat, as though studying his programme, till the three (to pass) out into the foyer. 16. Darkness (to fall) when he finally (to return) to the hotel. He (to say) nothing to Pat except that he (to turn) down the job. He (cannot) give her any explanation until he completely (to understand) the meaning of what (to happen). 17. He (to take) to drink before they (to be) married three years. 18. A little break like this (to be) what she (to need) all these years. 19. She (to look) up at him from where she (to sit). Her makeup things (to lie) in front of her. She (to do) her face. 20. While his wife (to read) the letter, he (to cross) to the window. 21. My mother said: "You hardly (to touch) your food." 22. As Hugh and I (to come) down the steps we nearly (to run) into my father. 23. I don't know what's the matter with him. He (to act) funny since you (to be) away. 24. I (to sit) there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when someone (to sit) down at my table. 25. He (to be) sure that there (to be) a serious row when Hugh (to hear) of it. 26. The actress (to stop) in front of their table, smiling widely. He (to stand) up and (to take) her hand. "Hello," he said. "We (to see) your show tonight. We (to think) you (to be) very good indeed." 27. Before we (to sit) five minutes in the drawing-room, there (to be) a heavy shuffle outside and the old man (to push) open the door. 28. "I (to take) you out every day," she promised.


Ex. 50. Revision: translate the following sentences into English concen­trating on the use of verb forms:


1. «Энн, Марта возвращается». — «Я предполагаю, что она остановится у своей сестры». 2. Она заперлась и не спустится вниз, пока они не уйдут. 3. Я понял, что момент, которого он ждал, наступил. 4. Он взял котенка и осторожно положил его туда, где мы его нашли. 5. Привет, Джек. Где ты был и что ты делал все это время? 6. Пока он ждал, он слышал голоса детей, играющих внизу в саду. 7. Я знаю имена всех в деревне. Я живу здесь всю жизнь. 8. Она совсем не была робкой: она попросила меня называть ее Сэлли, когда мы еще не были знакомы и десять минут. 9. Я был не таким уж плохим мужем все эти двадцать лет, что мы женаты. 10. Через шесть месяцев я едва узнавал себя. 11. Я решил не поступать в Кембридж. В течение шести меся­цев я почти не заглядывал ни в одну книгу по математике. 12. Мы сделаем так, чтобы ты с ним не встретился здесь. 13. Я не пробыл на борту и часа, как он пригласил меня на ленч. 14. Вас будут кормить три раза в день. 15. Рой много работал и плохо спал все это время, и вид у него был очень усталый. 16. Я почти закончил книгу. 17. Ты даже не знаешь, что ты со мною сделал. 18. Я еще ни разу не поел как следует, с тех пор как приехал в Англию. 19. Он не придет. Я только что разговаривала с ним по телефону. 20. «Что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье?» — «Я еще не знаю». 21. Филипп отнес свой чемодан в вагон и теперь курил на пер­роне. 22. Я видел твою сестру в театре. 23. Как, ты еще не готова? Что же ты делала? 24. В течение двух лет она была лучшей ученицей в классе. 25. Она уже два года лучшая ученица в классе. 26. Ты ведь знаешь, что в следующем семестре профессор Леннон будет читать курс по Ренессансу. 27. Жарко, и уже больше месяца нет дождя. 28. Куда я положил свою зажигалку? 29. Я получил большое удовольствие от балета. Почему ты не пошел с нами? 30. Почему ты пришел так поздно? 31. Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимся на вокзал, мы опоздаем. 32. Мы прожили в деревне два месяца, когда мой брат приехал навестить нас. 33. Мы прожили у Смитов два дня и вернулись в Лондон поез­дом. 34. Когда я встал, я подошел к окну. Хотя дождя уже не было, везде стояли большие лужи. 35. Джон проверил сочинения своих учеников и теперь читал книгу, которую он купил утром по дороге в школу. 36. Как она добралась сюда в такую погоду? 37. Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как сейчас. 38. Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как тогда. 39. Завтра я уезжаю за город на две недели. 40. После ленча я обычно занимаюсь в библиотеке часа два. 41. Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади. 42. Я дам вам знать, какие меры я приму. 43. Погода в тот день была мрачная. Холодный ветер, дувший с утра, прекратился, но дождь все еще моросил. 44. Едва я успел попрощаться с ними, как поезд тронулся. 45. Перед войной она преподавала географию в течение недол­гого времени. 46. Анна сложила свои вещи и теперь ждала такси. 47. Я скажу ему, чтобы он вернул ключ, когда осмотрит дом. 48. Мы ехали около часа и потом увидели небольшое озеро. 49. Мы ехали часа два, когда, наконец, мы увидели озеро. 50. Я бродил по лесу около часа, когда увидел маленький до­мик. Так как я никогда не бывал в этих местах, то я не знал, кто в нем живет. Дом стоял среди деревьев, и к нему вела тропинка, по которой я шел.




Voice is the form of the verb which shows whether the subject or the object is the agent of the action expressed. There are two voices— Active and Passive Voice.


Active Voice

Active Voice shows that the subject (person or thing) of the sentence is the agent (the doer) of the action:

§ We know you' ve been cheating us.

Passive Voice

The Passive Voice shows that the subject is not the agent (the doer) of the action.

§ She was woken from her sleep by his singing.

§ The child knew that he was being praised.


The Passive Voice be + V3 is an analytical form.

Note: sometimes to be = to get for Passive showing accidental happenings:

§ The boy got hurt on his way home.

§ The table got broken.

§ Somebody pushed Jane and her drink got spilt.

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