III Определите, какие из приведенных ниже предложений не соответствуют содержанию текста. Исправьте их. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

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III Определите, какие из приведенных ниже предложений не соответствуют содержанию текста. Исправьте их.

2017-10-16 242
III Определите, какие из приведенных ниже предложений не соответствуют содержанию текста. Исправьте их. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Svetlana doesn’t like her studies because it’s too difficult to combine work and study. 2. The girlis a sociable personand has a lot of friends. 3. Svetlana’s favourite subjects at school were English, Geography and History. 4. She works as an economist. 5. Svetlana is fond of listening to music and watching TV.


IV Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What were Svetlana’s favourite subjects at school? 2. When did she enter Gomel State University? 3. Is it easy to have a full-time job and to study? 4. What are Svetlana’s hobbies? 5. What kind of person is Svetlana’s farther? 6. What are the hobbies of Svetlana’s mother?


V Закончите предложения о себе и своей семье.

I’m …... I was born …... At the age of 6 I went to school …... My favourite subjects were …... I left school in …... I’ve been a student of the ….. since …... I’m doing …... I work as a …... It’s not easy to …... I’m fond of …... I like to …... I’m …...

My family is …... My father’s name is …... He works as …... He is …... My mother’s name is …... She’s …... She is …...

My brother (sister) is ……. His (her) name is …...

I think I’m …...


VI Расскажите о себе и своей семье.



Our University


I Прочтите и запомните следующие слова и выражения:

a department – факультет

training – обучение

daytime training – дневная форма обучения

correspondence courses – заочное отделение

preparatory courses – подготовительное отделение

postgraduate courses – магистратура, аспирантура

an applicant – абитуриент

entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены

compulsory – обязательный

full-time students – студенты дневного отделения

to be at the disposal of – быть в распоряжении

part-time students – студенты заочного отделения

an academic year – учебный год

to take examinations and tests – сдавать экзамены и зачёты

term – семестр


II Прочтите и переведите следующий тест:

I am a student of Gomel State University named after F.Scorina. It was opened in 1969 on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute. It is the second university in Belarus. It trains teachers of mathematics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages, geography, physical training. And it also trains lawyers, economists, psychologists, engineers, managers and research workers.

Our University has several departments: the Department of Mathematics, Biology, History, Foreign Languages, Geology and Geography, Physics, Economics, Law, Psychology and Pedagogics, Physical Training and others.

Four forms of training are offered at Gomel State University. They are daytime training, correspondence courses (or extra-mural department), preparatory courses and postgraduate courses. The students of extra-mural department combine work and study.

Applicants are to have completed secondary education. Most entrance examinations are held in the form of centralized testing (CT) in June. The compulsory subjects for all applicants are Belarusian or Russian. Special subjects are a foreign language, history of Belarus, new world history, humankind and society, geography, physics, informatics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, art, music, technical drawing, etc. The applicants who score highest are admitted to free studies, others pay tuition fees.

The university has all the necessary facilities for studying including computers and laboratories. A rich library with reading halls is at the disposal of the students. Students can get all sorts of books there.

The course of study lasts five years for full-time students and five or six years for part-time students. The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students take exams on theory and tests on practical work.

The social scene is an important part of life at the University. There are several students’ societies such as drama, music dance ensemble and sports club at the University. The most popular sports are track-and-field athletics, skiing, volleyball and basketball.


III Закончите предложения:

1. I am a student of … 2. Gomel State University trains … 3. Our University has several departments: … 4. Four forms of training are offered at the Gomel State University. They are … 5. The applicants go in for entrance exams … 6. The university has all the necessary facilities for studying including … 7. The course of study lasts …


IV Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Gomel State University is the … university in Belarus.

a) first b) second c) third

2. Gomel State University trains ….

a) teachers of different subjects

b) economists and engineers

c) teachers, lawyers, economists, managers

3. … forms of training are offered at Gomel State University:

a) three b) four c) five

4. The course of study lasts … for part-time students.

a) four years b) five years c) six years


V Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When was Gomel State University opened? 2. What are the main departments? 3. What specialists does the university train? 4. What forms of training are offered at Gomel State University? 5. When do applicants go in for entrance exams? 6. What subjects are compulsory for all applicants? 7. What facilities for studies does Gomel State University have? 8. What do students take at the end of each term?


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