Theme about myself and my family — КиберПедия 

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Theme about myself and my family

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра иностранных языков





Липецк - 2015


УДК 43

ББК 81.432.1я73 Б 24 Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой иностранных языков Протокол № 3 от 13.11. 2014 г.



Барабанова, Е.И., Бреднева, Н.А., Грибанова, Н.Е., Шурупова, О.С., Арбузова, В.Ю., Ходжагельдыев, Б.Д., Лебедева Н.Г. Английский язык для бакалавров: учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения неязыковых вузов и факультетов / Е.И. Барабанова, Н.А. Бреднева, Н.Е. Грибанова, О.С. Шурупова, В.Ю. Арбузова, Б.Д. Ходжагельдыев, Н.Г. Лебедева. – Липецк: ЛГПУ, 2015. – 52 с.


ISBN 978-5-88526-688-8



Эта методическая разработка предназначена для студентов заочного отделения неязыковых факультетов высших учебных заведений. Она содержит материал, помогающий подготовиться самостоятельно к контрольной работе, зачёту или экзамену по иностранному языку. Каждая тема представлена тематическим списком слов необходимым для выполнения контрольной работы, текстом с рядом упражнений, которые оказывают помощь при составлении собственного монологического высказывания по предложенной теме, указанием грамматического материала, подлежащим самостоятельному освоению.

В конце методической разработки даётся пример контрольной работы №1, №2 и рекомендации по её выполнению.


УДК 43

ББК 81.432.1я73

Б 24


Рецензенты: к.ф.н., доц. Л.А. Катаева

к.п.н., доц. М.А. Иванова


ISBN 978-588526-688-8



© ФГБОУ ВПО «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет», 2015

© Е.И. Барабанова, Н.А. Бреднева, Н.Е. Грибанова, О.С. Шурупова, В.Ю. Арбузова, Б.Д. Ходжагельдыев, Н.Г. Лебедева, 2015


1. My Family …….......................................................................................4

2. My Usual Day…………………………………………………………6

3. Hobbies…………………………………………………………………9

4. Our University………………………………………………………...13

5. The Role of a Foreign Language in the Modern World……………16

6. Контрольная работа 1……………………………………………....19

7. Lipetsk………………………………………………………………...26

8. Russia………………………………………………………………….29

9.Educational System in Russia………………………………………..32

10.Great Britain…………………………………………………………36


12.Education in Great Britain…………………………………………42

13.Контрольная работа 2……………………………………………46




Тематический список слов:

quite -вполне

sociable -общительный

prefer -предпочитать

poetry -поэзия

favourite -любимый

be fond of -увлекаться

go in for sport -заниматься спортом

used to play tennis -играла в теннис

unfortunately -к сожалению

hardworking -усердный

hospitable -гостеприимный

gardening -садоводство

grow -выращивать

cucumbers -огурцы

strawberries -клубника

imagine -представлять

a few -несколько


Верны ли следующие утверждения?

Lena often spends time with her friends.

Lena plays tennis regularly.

Her family consists of four people.

Lena’s mother is a designer.

Lena’s brother Alex is going to be a teacher of literature.


3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

How old is Lena?

What does Lena like doing?

What books does she prefer to read?

Who is Lena’s favourite poet?

Where do her parents work?

What do they grow in their garden?

What does Lena want to be?

Does she want to have a big family?


4. Составьте письменно рассказ (15 предложений) о себе, своей семье, используя содержание упражнений.



Тематический список слов:

early -рано

morning exercises -утренняя гимнастика

go by bus -ехать автобусом

it takes me …-это занимает у меня

walk – гулять / ходить пешком

be late for - опаздывать

come in time – приходить вовремя

a break - перемена

as a rule - как правило

be over - заканчиваться

rest - отдыхать

prepare - готовить

an hour - час

if -если

watch TV - смотреть телевизор

cinema - кино

go to bed - ложиться спать

Составьте письменно рассказ (15 предложений) о том, как вы проводите свой рабочий день.




Тематический список слов:

nowadays - в наше время, в наши дни

time to spare = spare time - свободное время

busy - интенсивный, напряженный

do one’s best - делать все возможное

rare - редкий

make use - использовать

leisure - досуг, отдых, свободное время

favourite - любимый

occupation - занятие

healthy - здоровый

a peace of mind - душевное спокойствие

achieve - достигать, достичь

knit - вязать

sew - шить

skirt - юбка

nicely - хорошо, красиво

repair - чинить

iron - утюг

shape - форма

way - способ

to be fond of something – любить что-л.

get bored - соскучиться

alone - один, одинокий

source - источник

knowledge - знание

inspiration - вдохновение

provide - давать, предоставлять; обеспечивать

recreation - отдых, развлечение

include - включать

shell - раковина, ракушка

coin - монета

apart from …- кроме; не считая…

hamster - хомяк

take up something –заняться чем-либо

impossible - невозможный

by air - по воздуху, самолетом

abroad - за границей

broaden - расширять

outlook - мировоззрение, кругозор


My name is Helen. I’d like to say a few words about my family and our hobbies.

People live a very busy life nowadays, so they have little time to spare. Тhey do their best to make use of those rare hours of leisure. A hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in their free time.

My mother is fond of gardening. Her hobby is not only wonderful but also very useful. That’s why we all help her in the garden. Gardening helps us to be healthy and achieve a peace of mind. And in winter Mother spends all her free time knitting and sewing things: sweaters, skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks fine.

My father likes making everything with his own hands. He can repair an iron, a radio-set, or a washing-machine. I think it’s a very good hobby. Father is also interested in cars. He knows everything about their construction and production.

My hobby is ballroom dancing. Dancing is not just an art, it is also a great exercise and a good way to stay in shape. Besides, I’m fond of reading. It is one of the best activities you can enjoy indoors. I feel that people who love reading, can never get bored when they are alone. Reading is a source of knowledge and inspiration.

My brother is fifteen. And, of course, like all teenagers he prefers computer-based activities to reading. The Internet provides him with an endless number of options for recreation, which include online games, online chatting, video surfing, blogging, social networking, reading online news and so on.

Children and teenagers are great collectors. My little sister collects shells, coins, comic books and pictures of her favourite pop stars. Her dream is to keep a pet – a dog, a hamster or a rabbit.

My boyfriend goes in for sports. He plays volleyball, does judo and goes skating. Apart from that he wants to take up swimming.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. We travel by car, by train and by air. Every year we go on holiday to a new place in Russia or abroad.

Hobbies are not just fun. They help us to learn new things and broaden our outlook.


1.Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты для следующих слов или словосочетаний, и выпишите их:

Иметь мало свободного времени; делать все возможное; использовать редкие часы отдыха; любимое занятие (2 варианта); увлекаться садоводством; достичь душевного спокойствия; интересоваться автомобилями; хороший способ оставаться в форме; кроме того (2 варианта); предпочитать что-то чему-либо; заниматься спортом; заняться плаванием; путешествовать на поезде; поехать в отпуск; не только удовольствие; расширять кругозор.




Тематический список слов:

be founded on the basis of - быть основанным на базе ….

exist since – существовать с ….

a higher educational establishment (institution) – учреждение высшего образования

to graduate from – закончить (университет)

a graduate - выпускник

acquire (get) education – получать образование

without leaving one's jobs – без отрыва от работы

admit - допускать, принимать

take an active part – принимать активное участие

free of charge - бесплатно

a broad scientific basis – широкая научная база

teaching staff – преподавательский состав

the highest level of scholars and scientists – ученые высшего уровня

a casual choice – случайный выбор

find a common language – находить общий язык


Верны ли утверждения?

Lipetsk Teachers' Training University was founded in 1954 as a Teachers' Training Institute on the basis of the Technical College.

In 2000 the Institute was granted university status.

The University has three main departments.

Annually our University admits about one thousand freshmen.

All students of our University study free of charge.

Our University has 12 faculties.

Teaching includes only lectures.

The teaching staff of the University numbers the highest level of scholars and scientists.


3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

When was Lipetsk Teachers' Training Institute founded?

How many faculties are there at the University today?

When was the Teachers' Training Institute given university status?

How long does the University course last?

Which two main departments are there in our University?

How many students study at the Correspondence department?

How do students of Correspondence department acquire higher education?

What do you know about Lipetsk Institute of Culture and Arts?

What is teaching based on?

What can you say about the teaching staff of our University?

What faculty do you study?

Why did you choose this profession?

4. Составьте письменно рассказ (15 предложений) о вашем университете.

Верны ли утверждения?

Ordinary people need English to use it in science and business.

Some people need English for travelling abroad.

English is the language of diplomacy.

English is the official language in Italy.

In our country English is very popular.

Learning a foreign language is an easy thing.

Every educated person should know a foreign language.

Learning a foreign language helps to learn more about foreign countries, their cultures and traditions.


3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

What does the poet think about learning a foreign language?

Why do people learn foreign languages?

Why do we call English one of the world languages?

In what countries is English the official language?

Where is English used as one of the official languages?

Why do you think English is popular in Russia nowadays?

Is learning a foreign language an easy thing? Why (not)?

What should we do to learn any foreign language?

Can we do without knowing a foreign language nowadays?

What is your purpose of learning English?


Контрольная работа №1

по английскому языку для студентов заочного отделения


Рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы № 1


1. В представленной контрольной работе даются задания по следующим грамматическим темам:

• Простое повествовательное предложение;

• Вопросительное предложение;

• Сложноподчинённое предложение;

• Неопределённо-личное предложение;

• Особенности спряжения в настоящем времени различных групп глаголов: вспомогательных, возвратных, модальных и неправильных;

• Формы прошедшего времени действительного залога;

• Местоимения;

• Существительные (артикль, число, падеж);

• Предлоги;

• Числительные;

• Степени сравнения прилагательных.


Студент должен уметь объяснить любое из выполненных упражнений по выбору преподавателя.

4. При оформлении работы следует оставлять справа поля в 3,5 см для пометок преподавателя.


Задание 1. Завершите предложение, поставив глагол в скобках в правильную форму.



Задание 2. Завершите предложение, поставив правильный предлог.

On, in, at, of, to, for


Задание 3. Поставьте слово в скобках в правильную позицию в предложении.


How old are you (old)?

1. How often you go to the library (do)?

2. What this word mean (does)?

3. Does finish at 2 p.m. (the class)?

4. Where were born (you)?

5. Why you write to me (do)?

6. Where did you last weekend (go)?

7. What you these days? (are/doing)


Задание 4.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It does not ________me long to have lunch.

a) take

b) make

c) wake

d) bake

2. Are you going to take _________ in the competition?

a) a seat

b) a bus

c) care

d) part

3. My father is brave and honest. I’m _________ him.

a) ashamed of

b) proud for

c) afraid of

d) sorry for



4. To know a language well one must work _______.

a) hard

b) hardly

c) easily

d) little

5. Stamp-collecting is a …and interesting hobby.

a) useful

b) effective

c) competent

d) invented

6. 0pportunities for... fit and playing sports are numerous nowadays.

a) keeping

b) making

c) having

d) having

7. I …….. at 7 o’clock every day.

a) get down

b) get over

c) get up

d) get in

8. I ………….of my younger sister.

a) take up

b) take for

c) take about

d) take care

9. Mary is………cooking.

a) good for

b) good at

c) good in

d) good with

10. Millions of people ……English as a foreign language.

a) study

b) enjoy

c) work

d) like

Задание 5. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова из предложенных ниже.

My Best Friend

Of all my friends, I like Alex the best. He is my group mate. Both of us study at the historical faculty at university, so we see each other every day.

Alex is a very nice boy. He is very honest and kind. I trust him a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on my friend in any situation.

Alex and I often watch films or listen to music together. My friend has a very good ear for music. He plays the guitar very well. We usually talk a lot about all sorts of things. We discuss films, books, and TV programmes. Sometimes Alex and I go to the cinema or walk around the city centre, visiting small cafes and clubs. But now we must study a lot and we can’t spend much time on entertainment.

We go to university six days a week and that's why we have to get up at seven o'clock every morning. Our classes usually start at eight o’clock in the morning and last until two o’clock. Studying there is not easy. If you missed some classes it is not so easy to catch up with the program later. There you should work hard and behave like an adult. Now I am doing quite well at university. My parents are proud of my progress. Alex and I always help each other and go to the library together. We usually spend a lot of time doing homework.

Twice a week I go to the swimming pool. Alex goes in for sports too. He plays tennis and takes part in different competitions.

His family consists of his parents, a brother and a sister. Alex’s mother is a teacher of biology. His father is a professional painter and works for a design company. They both like their work very much. They are very friendly and hospitable. They like travelling and gardening.

Alex’s younger sister Kate goes to school. She is fond of reading books and wants to be a teacher of literature. His younger brother is only six years old. He is very funny, and Alex often spends his free time teaching his little brother something and playing with him.

I never quarrel with Alex. If we argue about something we try to make peace as soon as possible. I like that Alex is always willing to help. I really respect him.

I miss Alex when we don’t see each other for a long time. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


Задание 6. Выберите из предложенных вариантов те, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The author and his friend don’t go to cafes and clubs very often because ________.

1) they don’t have enough money

2) they don’t like club music

3) they are busy with their studies

4) they prefer to discuss books


2. According to the author, studying at university is __________.

1) difficult

2) boring

3) exciting

4) a great fun


3. The author respects Alex because _________.

1) Alex usually gets good marks

2) Alex is a reliable person

3) they go to the library together

4) Alex teaches his younger brother different things


4. The main idea of the text is that __________.

1) friendship makes people strong

2) studying at the historical faculty is difficult

3) people must be honest and kind

4) true friends never quarrel


5. Find the statement that is not true.

1) Alex likes music.

2) Catching up with the program is not easy.

3) The author goes to the swimming pool once a week.

4) Kate wants to study literature.


Задание 7. Письменно переведите текст.




Тематический список слов:

is situated - расположен, находиться

population - население

important – важный

industrial center - промышленный центр

iron and steel works – металлургический комбинат

refrigerator factory - завод холодильников

monument - памятник

next to - рядом, около

art gallery - картинная галерея

local history museum – краеведческий музей

located - расположен

spa - водно-оздоровительный комплекс

mud baths - грязелечебница

famous - известный

a lot of - много, множество

a number of - много

sports palace - дворец спорта

swimming pool - плавательный, бассейн

numerous - многочисленный

fountain - фонтан

attract - привлекать

develop - развиваться

celebrate - праздновать

anniversary - годовщина

lime tree - липа

originate - происходить

to be proud of - гордиться

places of interest – достопримечательности



Тематический список слов:

occupy - занимать, занять

total area - общая территория

strong power – сильная власть

head of the state – глава государства

a four-year term – четырёх летний срок

government - правительство, форма правления

folk tradition – народная традиция

keep up folk traditions - соблюдать народные традиции

pagan traditions – языческие обычаи

Lent – Великий пост

pertain to official celebrations - относиться к официальным праздникам

people of all ages – люди всех возрастов

in many fields - во многих областях, сферах

admire - восхищаться

all over the world – во всём мире


The Russian Federation, or Russia is the largest country in the world. It occupies one seventh of the Earth’s surface. It is situated both in Europe and Asia. The total area is about 17 million square kilometres.

The current population of Russia is about 143 million people.

Russia is a parliamentary republic with the strong power of the President who is head of the state and directly elected for a four-year term. The State Duma and the Council of Federation is the legislative branch of the government.

The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial center. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.

Most Russians are keen supporters of traditions. Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions. One of the most favourite Russian folk tradition is Maslenitsa, or Pancake Week, which is a combination of Christian and pagan traditions and is the last week before the Lent.

We’ve got traditions pertaining to official celebrations like the Victory Day. Victory Day, the 9th of May is the most significant day in our life. On the 9th of May war veterans meet and people of all ages come to congratulate them and give them flowers.

Russia can take pride in numerous achievements and developments in many fields. One of them is Russia’s contribution to space exploration.

We admire Russian classical music which is famous all over the world. Russian classical literature is universally known for its psychological depth and powerful style. Many prose writers and poets all over the world have been influenced by the giants of Russian classical literature like Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, to name only a few.




The public education in Russia is free which is guaranteed by constitution. Private institutions which charge fees for education account for 1% of preschool enrolment, 0.5% of primary school enrollment and 17% of university-level students.

The state preschool education is represented by kindergartens (nurseries) – full day child-care institutions for the children under 7 years of age.

Russian children go to school at the age between 6 and 7. During the eleven-year school term pupils get primary education (grades 1-4), basic general secondary education (grades 5-9) and complete general secondary education (grades 10-11).

There are various types of secondary schools: general secondary schools, schools specializing in a certain subject, gymnasiums, lyceums and so on.

Study program in general secondary schools includes Russian, Russian Literature, Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry (mostly studied in senior classes), Physics, Chemistry, Russian History, World History, Geography, Biology, Foreign Languages (English, German, French, or Spanish), usually one at a time, Physical Education, Art, Technology, Music, Astronomy.

Upon completion of a nine-year course the student can transfer to a vocational school or college to get both a working skill qualification and a complete general secondary school certificate.

Higher education is provided by wide curriculum universities and narrow specialization institutes. To enter a higher educational establishment students should pass the Unified State Exams.

There are two levels of higher education: a student can take a 4-year course leading to a Bachelor's degree, and then a year or two-year course leading to a Master's degree. There are two successive postgraduate degrees: Candidate of sciences, which is equivalent to Western Ph.D., and Doctor of sciences.


1. Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний и выпишите их:

Народное образование; частные учебные заведения; взимать плату за обучение; начальная школа; до семилетнего возраста; одиннадцатилетний срок обучения, полное общее среднее образование; иностранные языки; специализироваться по какому-нибудь предмету; аттестат об общем среднем образовании; узкая специализация; по окончании девятилетнего курса обучения; поступить в высшее учебное заведение; сдать ЕГЭ; два уровня высшего образования.





Тематический список слов:

highly developed - высокоразвитый

industrial – индустриальный, производственный

country - страна

island - остров

corner - угол

separate - отделять

comparatively - сравнительно

plain – ровный, равнина

mountain - гора

moorland – болотистая местность

orchard - сад

consist of – состоять из

mild - мягкий

shore - берег

bring - приносить

important - важный

capital - столица

busy - занятый

shipbuilding - кораблестроение

various – различный, разный

cotton – хлопок, хлопковый

power – власть, сила

monarchy - монархия

limit - ограничивать

chamber - палата

representative – представитель


Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country with a population of about 58 million people. Great Britain is an island. It lies off a north-west corner of Europe. The English Channel separates it from the mainland. Great Britain is comparatively small and it is a museum model of relief. The scenery is various. That is why within the island we find the finest combinations of sea and highland, plain and mountain, moorland and orchard.

The British Isles consist of (include) England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The mountains in Great Britain are not very high. The highest regions are in Scotland, in North Wales and Lake District. The highest peak in Scotland is Ben Nevis 1343 m.

The climate in Britain is mild and rather changeable. It is thanks to the Gulf Stream which brings warm weather to the British shores. It is not very cold in winter and it is not very hot in summer. Rain falls every month of a year. As the Englishmen say, August is the best month to visit Britain.

There are many large and small towns in Great Britain. The most important cities are: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Sheffield.

LONDON is the capital of the country and it is situated on the river Thames. It is a busy port and an important industrial and political centre.

GLASGOW the largest town in Scotland is situated on the river Clyde and it is the centre of British shipbuilding industry.

BIRMINGHAM is not as large as London but it is the greatest metal working centre. Various articles are produced here and it is the second largest city of the country.

MANCHESTER is the centre of cotton industry. It is a very beautiful city with many parks.

SHEFFIELD is another big town in the centre of England. It is famous all over the world for its manufacture of steel goods.

LIVERPOOL is the second largest port in Britain. It is the home town of Beatles – the famous singers and musicians who found a new trend in Music.

Great Britain is a monarchy but the power of the Queen, now Elisabeth the second, is limited by Parliament. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. At present time the Prime minister of Great Britain is David Cameron, the representative of the Conservative party. Other political parties are: the Labour party, the Liberal Democratic Party.




Тематический список слов:

сapital - столица

the United Kingdom - Соединенное королевство

population - население

divide - разделять/ся

district - район

expensive - дорогой

mansion - особняк

residence - резиденция

early - ранний, рано

century - век

entertainment - развлечение

rich - богатый

memory - память

contain - содержать

priceless collection - бесценная коллекция

ancient - древний

painting - картина

artist - художник

cathedral - собор

architect - архитектор

to crown - короновать

king - король

queen - королева

underground - метро

admire - восхищаться

numerous - многочисленные

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is situated on the river Themes. It’s a big city, which is about 2000 years old. The population of London is about8 million people. Central London is divided into 3 parts: the City, the West End and the South bank. The City is the oldest part of London with many officers and banks. The West End is the most fashionable district with expensive shops and restaurants, hotels and beautiful mansions. The Houses of Parliament are situated in Westminster Palace. Buckingham Palace, the official residence of Queen Elisabeth II, was built in the early 18th century.

Piccadilly Circus is the center of London’s entertainment world with many cinemas, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs and souvenir shops. London is rich in museums, art galleries, theatres and cinemas. The British museum is of the world’s most famous museums. It contains priceless collection of artifacts from ancient civilizations. The National Gallery, the Tate Gallery have a rich collection of paintings by famous British and foreign artists.

St. Paul’s cathedral was designed by the famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren. Almost all the kings and queens of the country have been crowned at Westminster Abbey.

The oldest building in London is the Tower of London. Today it is a famous museum visited by millions of tourists every year. Hyde Park with it’s Speaker’s Corner is a well-loved park by Londoners. Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. Nelson’s column is situated here. London Underground, called the Tube by Londoners, was built in 1861. Millions of tourists come to London every year to admire its numerous attractions.





Тематический список слов:

free – бесплатный

fee paying – платный

state school – государственная школа

private school – частная школа

compulsory – обязательный

primary school – начальная школа

secondary school – средняя школа

comprehensive school – самый распространенный тип средней школы в Великобритании, которая принимает учеников разных способностей из различных социальных слоев

grammar school – грамматическая школа (гимназия)

secondary modern school – средняя школа, которая дает учащимся в основном практические знания и не готовит для поступления в университет

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) – сертификат о среднем образовании (аттестат)

sixth form college – 2-х годичный колледж, который готовит учащихся для сдачи более продвинутых сложных экзаменов (2 - 3), которые необходимы для поступления в университет

accept – принимать

degree – степень

graduate from – окончить (университет)

independent school – негосударственная школа

entrance exam – вступительный экзамен

public school – частная школа

boarding school – школа - интернат

famous – знаменитый



Контрольная работа №2

по английскому языку для студентов заочного отделения


Education in Great Britain is free and fee paying. 93 per cent of British children go to free state schools and 7 per cent attend private schools. Education is compulsory from 5 to 16 years. Children start primary schools at 5 and continue until they are 11. At 11 most children (84 per cent) go to secondary schools called comprehensives. Others go to grammar schools (3 per cent) or secondary modern schools (6 per cent). Grammar schools are the oldest schools. At 16 pupils take a national exam called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)- O level exams (ordinary level). This is the end of compulsory education.

Pupils who want to enter a University, continue their studies in the 6-th form at school or at a sixth form college. At the sixth form pupils take a national exam called A level (advanced level).

Universities and colleges accept students with A level form from 18. Students study for a degree usually three years. They graduate from the university at 21 or 22.

Private schools are called independent schools. Some independent schools are called prep schools. They prepare children for the Common Entrance Exam which they take at the age of 13. Then they can enter the best public schools. Public schools are boarding schools where children live and study. The most famous public schools are: Eton, Harrow, Rugley and Winchester.


I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How many per cent of British children go to state schools?

2. At what age do children start primary schools?

3. What is the most popular type of a secondary schools in Great Britain?

4. How many years do students study for a degree?

5. What are the most famous public schools?


2. Переведите на английский язык, пользуясь словарем:

1.В государственных школах в Англии мальчики и девочки учатся вместе.

2.7 процентов британских детей учатся в негосударственных школах.

3.В возрасте 11 лет учащиеся переходят (move to) из начальной школы

В среднюю.

4.После сдачи экзаменов на аттестат в 16 лет дети могут покинуть школу.

5.Грамматические школы готовят учащихся для поступления в университет.


3. Завершите предложение, поставив глагол в скобках в правильную форму:

1._______she _____(to learn) the new words now?

2.Which book ___________you ______(to read) these days?

3.I ____________(to prepare) for the exam the whole evening yesterday.

4.Those students ________(to work) hard now. They_____(to study) for an exam.

5.We ________(not discuss)philosophy. We______(to talk) about art.

6.I _____________(to do) this task tomorrow.

7.My friend _________(to bring) these discs next week.

8.Jim was sick, he didn’t have much money, so he________(to get) pretty desperate.

9.Meanwhile in the village most people _______(to prepare) to go skiing.

10.Perhaps in the future men________(to live) on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.

11.We _____(not take) a vacation next month.


4. Выберите правильный глагол:

1. You ______take care of your parents.


-are to


2. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I _______read without glasses.

-can not

-may not

-won’t be able to

3. We __________learn from the past.




4. Teenagers who commit crimes _________be treated as adults.




5. America’s first college, Harvard, _________in Massachusetts in 1636.

-is founded

-was founded

-is being founded

6. The bridge ____________ in a year.

-will be reconstructed

-will reconstruct

-was reconstructed

7. I ________in Russia in Lipetsk.

-am born

-was born

-was borne

8. The Tower of London _________by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace.

-had been built

-is built

-was built

9. The collection of the Crown Jewels _________in it.

-are kept

-is kept

-will be kept


5. Подберите нужное слово:

1. John ____________the University last year.


-went out

-graduated from

2. Students do their scientific work under the supervision of________




3. The first university degree is a _______________degree.


-Doctor of Philosophy


4.Students of ________department acquire high education without leaving their jobs.




5. He’s always done his best to learn English, so I’m sure he’ll______the exam successfully.




6. Russian children go to ______at the age between 6 and 7.



-primary school

7. I’m good at _____.That’s why I want to become a sportsman.



-physical education

8. A flight from Moscow to Lipetsk ___________one hour.




9. Unlike heads of Governments in some countries, the Prime Minister is not directly _________by votes.




10. British colleges include teacher-training colleges, technical colleges and general colleges of further ______________




11. University and college teachers are usually ________lecturers or tutors.




12. Many people think it is a slow and boring cricket game, but most Englishmen find it very ______________.




13. Before Christmas many British families__________their houses with brightly-coloured paper or holly.




14. We have _________compromise and tolerance the basis of our domestic life.




15. Oxford and Cambridge, the oldest universities, are world-known for their academic ______________.




16. The ___________party in the Commons is one, which gains a majority of seats.




17. You have to be very strict to _______discipline with some pupils you get nowadays.




18. Our environment is being _______but we still have time to do something about it.




19. In big towns and cities you often can see cars stuck in traffic jams sending their exhaust __________up into the atmosphere.




20. Opportunities for _________fit and playing sports are numerous nowadays.





Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра иностранных языков





Липецк - 2015


УДК 43

ББК 81.432.1я73 Б 24 Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой иностранных языков Протокол № 3 от 13.11. 2014 г.



Барабанова, Е.И., Бреднева, Н.А., Грибанова, Н.Е., Шурупова, О.С., Арбузова, В.Ю., Ходжагельдыев, Б.Д., Лебедева Н.Г. Английский язык для бакалавров: учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения неязыковых вузов и факультетов / Е.И. Барабанова, Н.А. Бреднева, Н.Е. Грибанова, О.С. Шурупова, В.Ю. Арбузова, Б.Д. Ходжагельдыев, Н.Г. Лебедева. – Липецк: ЛГПУ, 2015. – 52 с.


ISBN 978-5-88526-688-8



Эта методическая разработка предназначена для студентов заочного отделения неязыковых факультетов высших учебных заведений. Она содержит материал, помогающий подготовиться самостоятельно к контрольной работе, зачёту или экзамену по иностранному языку. Каждая тема представлена тематическим списком слов необходимым для выполнения контрольной работы, текстом с рядом упражнений, которые оказывают помощь при составлении собственного монологического высказывания по предложенной теме, указанием грамматического материала, подлежащим самостоятельному освоению.

В конце методической разработки даётся пример контрольной работы №1, №2 и рекомендации по её выполнению.


УДК 43

ББК 81.432.1я73

Б 24


Рецензенты: к.ф.н., доц. Л.А. Катаева

к.п.н., доц. М.А. Иванова


ISBN 978-588526-688-8



© ФГБОУ ВПО «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет», 2015

© Е.И. Барабанова, Н.А. Бреднева, Н.Е. Грибанова, О.С. Шурупова, В.Ю. Арбузова, Б.Д. Ходжагельдыев, Н.Г. Лебедева, 2015


1. My Family …….......................................................................................4

2. My Usual Day…………………………………………………………6

3. Hobbies…………………………………………………………………9

4. Our University………………………………………………………...13

5. The Role of a Foreign Language in the Modern World……………16

6. Контрольная работа 1……………………………………………....19

7. Lipetsk………………………………………………………………...26

8. Russia………………………………………………………………….29

9.Educational System in Russia………………………………………..32

10.Great Britain…………………………………………………………36


12.Education in Great Britain…………………………………………42

13.Контрольная работа 2……………………………………………46




Тематический список слов:

quite -вполне

sociable -общительный

prefer -предпочитать

poetry -поэзия

favourite -любимый

be fond of -увлекаться

go in for sport -заниматься спортом

used to play tennis -играла в теннис

unfortunately -к сожалению

hardworking -усердный

hospitable -гостеприимный

gardening -садоводство

grow -выращивать

cucumbers -огурцы

strawberries -клубника

imagine -представлять

a few -несколько


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