Exercise 1. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to make expressions. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 1. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to make expressions.

2017-10-21 613
Exercise 1. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to make expressions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) cut a) a deal with
2) underperform b) an offer
3) surmount c) a market
4) strike d) a partner
5) fend off e) project
6) withdraw f) costs
7) cancel g) an obstacle

Exercise 2. Which of the above expressions means:

1. make an agreement with

2. discontinue or no longer provide something previously supplied

3. increase in value less than expected

4. stop a person from affecting you but only for a short time

5. decide or announce that a planned event will not take place

6. reduce the total amount of money that you must spend on running your business

7. overcome a difficulty that prevents progress


Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with appropriate phrases from above in the right form.

1. He was trying to _________ with an American corporation to build a hotel in the mountains.

2. It is a pity, the shares have _________.

3. He had struggled to pay off creditors but could not ________ any longer.

4. Because of imposed sanctions they have been forced to _______ and to leave Russia.

5. There is always pressure on the organization to increase productivity and to___________.

Exercise 4. Determine the statements (Reading 3) True or False, and if they are false say why.

1. All British Petroleum’s investors are glad to be paid generous dividends.

2. The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico influenced shareholder returns.

3. Cheap oil is one of the troubles that influenced BP’s rivals.

4. The high market capitalization of BP frightens possible buyers.

5. Chevron is a company that rescues BP from an unwelcome takeover bid.

6. Exxon Mobil is a more preferable firm to afford BP because it can handle BP’s American lawsuits well.

7. Despite sanctions Exxon Mobil has had drilling projects with Rosneft.

8. BP’s difficult situation is the only reason for a takeover.

Exercise 5. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) ING Vysya Bank and Kotak Bank announced their intention … a) …to approval of the shareholders of Kotak and Vysya.
2) Following the merger ING and Kotak… b) …will be merged into Kotak.
3) In the process of transaction, Vysya… c)…ING would hold a stake of 7% in the combined company.
4) Shareholders of Vysya … d) …to merge their respective businesses.
5) Upon completion of the merger … e) …to close in the second half of 2015.
6) The proposed transaction is subject… f) …intend to explore areas of cooperation in cross border business.
7)The transaction is expected… g) …will receive 0.7 shares in Kotak for each Vysya share.

Exercise 6. Hostile takeovers look like real battles, and this is reflected through a very colorful vocabulary. In the table that follows you can see takeover terms. Match each term with its translation and definition.

White Knight 1) «ядовитая (отравленная) пилюля» (любые методы борьбы с враждебным поглощением компании) a) a person or legal entity who is aggressively acquiring a company
Shark Repellent 2) «зелёный шантаж», «зелёная почта» (выкуп компанией своих акций по повышенной цене у фирмы, скупившей её акции и угрожающей поглощением) b) a person or organization that tries to take control of a company by buying a large number of its shares
Poison Pill 3) рейдер (физическое лицо или организация, активно скупающая или намеренная скупить акции с целью приобрести контрольный пакет) c) contracts giving key executives substantial benefits by the acquirer if they are terminated as a result of the merger or takeover
Golden Parachute 4) «хищник» (инвестор или спекулянт, специализирующийся на извлечении прибыли из ситуации, когда та или иная компания находится под угрозой поглощения или в сложном финансовом положении) d) a friendly takeover offer to a target company that is facing a hostile takeover from another party
Raider 5)«белый рыцарь» (дружественный инвестор, который делает новое, более выгодное предложение о поглощении компании, уже являющейся объектом попытки враждебного поглощения со стороны «чёрного рыцаря») e) the practice of buying enough shares in a company to threaten a takeover, forcing the owners to buy them back at a higher price in order to retain control
Predator 6) меры по защите от враждебного поглощения; «акулья отрава» (поправки к уставу компании, значительно усложняющие враждебное поглощение) f) a strategy used by corporations to discourage hostile takeovers. The target company attempts to make its stock less attractive to the acquirer.
Greenmail 7) «золотой парашют» (контракт менеджеров с компанией о выплате большого вознаграждения в случае увольнения при поглощении) g) any number of measures taken by a corporation to discourage an unwanted takeover attempt

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