Promotion the receptionist hires speaks — КиберПедия 

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Promotion the receptionist hires speaks

2017-10-11 466
Promotion the receptionist hires speaks 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The tourism manager decides on... and advertising of new tours.

2.... sells tour packages and separate services to customers.

3. Tour operators always do market... when they develop tours.

4.... registers hotel guests and assigns rooms to them.

5. The tour guide … a few foreign languages.

6. The tourism manager … employees.

7. The tour operator develops tours also known as… 8. Tour packages include … accommodation, catering, transfers and other services.

4. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Менеджер туризма управляет туристской компанией. Он принимает решения о турах, ценах и скидках. Он управляет персоналом компании. Он не всегда находится в офисе. Он часто ездит по делам.

2. Сколько служащих в этой туристской компании? – В этой компании имеется менеджер, несколько турагентов и бухгалтер. – Сколько у них гидов и сопровождающих? – Там нет гидов и сопровождающих. Менеджер нанимает их на работу только в высокий сезон.

3. Я хочу стать гидом-переводчиком. Я должен изучить еще один иностранный язык, историю и искусство. Все будущие гиды изучают историю и географию, культуру и искусство.

4. Где ваша тургруппа? – Туристы – в горах. У них спортивный тур.



1.Give advantages and disadvantages of each job in tourism, using phrases of giving opinion and adjectives describing jobs:

Phrases of giving opinion:

Personally, I think…In my opinion…

I think… or I believe I personally think…

In my understanding… From my point of view…

From my viewpoint… From my standpoint…

As far as I’m concerned…

It seems to me… If you ask me, I think…

As I see it… I’d like to say this…

The point is…

If you do want to know what I (we) think on this subject, let me put you in the picture then.

Adjectives describing jobs:

interesting boring

active tiring

responsible hard

exciting nervous

well-paid dangerous

communicating skillful

popular demanded

easy pleasant

creative unskilled

reliable stressed


Make up a diagram or a spidergram of people in tourism.

3. Make up dialogues using the following situations. Pay attention on the phrases:

to choose a career to enter the college Isn’t that amazing? absolutely / definitely / exactly

to be successful in your career briefly speaking …

Put me in the picture. to do well in…

As far as I understand … Knowledge is power.

It is not right You are mistaken

It’s wrong I disagree


1. A student is taking an English exam. The question is “People in Tourism”. He doesn’t know the material and he makes a lot of mistakes. The teacher corrects the student.

2. The tour operator is meeting with the travel agent. They are discussing their jobs, comparing the duties.

3. The tourism manager hires the employees. He is talking to the applicants explaining the rules and duties.




Present Simple

Open the brackets. Translate the sentences.

Models: I am (be) a student.

She is (be) a doctor.

They are (be) guides.

He has (have) his own office.


1. Our students (be) at school.

2. Mr. Smith (have) a lot of work to do.

3. They usually (have) many guests at the parties.

4. Your house (be) large and comfortable.

5. My wife (be) very pretty.

6. I (be) a manager.


Make up negative and interrogative sentences.

Models: 1. We have much work to do.

(–) We do not (don’t) have much work to do.

(?) Do we have much work to do?


2. He is a tourism manager.

(–) He is not a tourism manager.

(?) Is he a tourism manager?


1. This man is a tour operator.

2. The manager speaks English.

3. They have their own office.

4. Your office is very old.

5. The manager has duties.

6. I am an animator.

7. They are knowledgeable guides.


1.3. Put the subject of the sentence in the third person singular.

Model: We are happy. – She is happy.


1. The travel agents work in a travel company.

2. The travel agents sell goods to customers.

3. The goods are tour operator’s packages.

4. They have their own business.

5. The services are expensive.

Make up special questions.


1. She is a good tour guide. (Who, What, What kind of…)

Who is a good tour guide?

What is she?

What kind of guide is she?


2. She handles tour groups. (Who, What, What)

Who handles tour groups?

What does she do?

What does she handle?


1. He is an experienced tour operator. (Who, What kind of…).

2. They are our new suppliers. (Who, What).

3. Tour operators usually market the tours. (Who, What, How often).

4. He advertises tours in mass media or in brochures. (Who, What, Where).

5. The manager speaks English and German fluently. (Who, What, How well)

6. The tourism manager plans tourist business. (Who, What, What kind of…

7. He decides on prices and discounts because he is a tourism manager. (Who, Why, What).

8. They arrange entertainment programmes because they are animators. (Who, Why, What).

9. You advertise your tour packages in mass media every month. (Where, When, What).

10. The animator entertains passengers on a cruise ship. (Whom, Where, Who, What).


Open the brackets.

1. The tour guide (speak) a few foreign languages.

2. The chief animator (supervise) the staff of animators?

3. There (be) some timetables, a travelogue and a folder on the table.

4. When and where the conference on international travel and tourism usually (take) place? – It usually (take) place in August in Italy.

5. Our customers often (not attend) the exhibition.

6. Your travelling companions (take) the same kind of tour every year? – No, they don’t.

7. Old steamships (not cover) long distances.

8. Why (be) there so many discounts?


Present Continuous

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