Лексическая тема: the diseases of the respiratory Tract — КиберПедия 

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Лексическая тема: the diseases of the respiratory Tract

2017-10-11 637
Лексическая тема: the diseases of the respiratory Tract 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Тематика занятия.

Времена группы Perfect Continuous.


I. Вопросы для обсуждения:

1. Назовите формулу времен группы Perfect Continuous

2. Как переводится глагол во временах группы Perfect Continuous?

II. Выполнение заданий по теме: Времена группы Perfect Continuous.


1. Письменно выберите глагол и употребите необходимую временную форму.

1. The patient's general condition (to improve, to recover) gradually since he was administered streptomycin injections. 2. The most characteristic symptoms of primary tuberculosis such as loss of appetite and weight, short periods of fever and slow growth (to develop, to produce) in a child since the age of two. 3. As the patient's temperature (to enlarge, to elevate) constantly since he was admitted to the hospital he had to follow a bed regimen.


Устно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Perfect Continuous.

1. Although the patient had been receiving the injections of streptomycin for several days she showed little improvement. 2. The red blood cell count has been gradually returning to normal as the patient is being given blood transfusions. 3. My friend will have been living in Moscow for a month when I come there.


II. Лексический минимум по теме The Diseases of the Respiratory Tract.

Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже:

lobular ['bbjuta], focus ['foukas] pl. foci ['fousai], cyanosis [,sai3'nousis], bronchiole ['brorjkioul], crepitation [,krepi'tei|h], diffnse [di'fju:s], differentiate [.difa'renfieit], pleurisy ['plusrisi]

дифференцировать; бронхиола, крепитация, хруст, потрескивание, плеврит, цианоз, синюшность, очаг (очаги); дольчатый; дольковый; лобулярный, диффузный, разлитой


Выучите следующие слова:

gradually ['graedjuali] adv постепенно, последовательно improve [im'pruv] v улучшаться

accompany [э'клтрэш] v сопровождать, сопутствовать

occlusion [э'к1и:з(э)п] п закупорка

purulent ['pjuarubnt] а гнойный, гноящийся

sputum ['spju:t3m] п мокрота

accelerate [aek'selareit] v ускорять(ся), учащать(ся)

reduce [n'dju:s] v понижать, ослаблять, уменьшать

dullness ['cLvlnis] п тупость, приглушение

spleen [spli:n] п селезенка

enlarge [ш'кЫз] и увеличивать(ся), расширять(ся), разрастать(ся) sign [sam] и признак, симптом

intensity [m'tensiti] и напряженность, сила, яркость, плотность shadow ['Jaedou] п тень, v затемнять

severe [si'via] а резкий, сильный, тяжелый, серьезный (о болезни) unit [*ju:nit] и единица, единица измерения, отделение


IV. Базовый текст

Прочтите и устно переведите текст.

Lobular Pneumonia

Patient Smirnov aged 48 was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of lobular pneumonia. He had been developing lobular pneumonia gradually. A week before the admission to the hospital he had had bronchitis after which his condition did not improve.

Fever had an irregular course and the temperature changes were caused by the appearance of the new foci of inflammation in the pulmonary tissue. Fever had been persisting for two weeks and had been decreasing gradually.

The patient's breathing was rapid with 30-40 respirations per minute. There was breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with the accompanying

bronchitis, decrease in the respiratory surface and occlusion of numerous bronchioles and alveoli.

The patient complained of the pain in the chest particularly on deep breathing in and cough with purulent sputum. The pulse rate was accelerated and the arterial pressure was reduced.

On physical examination dullness in the left lung, abnormal respiration, numerous rales and crepitation were revealed. Dry rales caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs. The liver and spleen were not enlarged. The examination of the organs of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal signs but the tongue was coated.

The blood analysis revealed leucocytosis in the range of 12,000 to 15,000 per cu mm of blood and an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

The urine contained a small amount of protein and erythrocytes. The X-ray examination of the lungs revealed numerous foci of inflammation of various size, irregular form and different intensity. Shadowing was particularly marked at the root of the left lung due to the enlargement of the lymphatic glands.

It was a severe form of lobular pneumonia which was difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy. Yet the physician made a correct diagnosis.

Выберите утверждения, соответствующие Text:

1. a) Dry rales caused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs, b) Moist rales produced by pleurisy were heard all over the lungs. 2. a) The examination of the organs of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal signs, b) The examination of the organs of the cardiovascular astern revealed the signs of the heart impairment.

Вопросы для обсуждения:

1. Where is the spleen located?

2. In what cases may me spleen be enlarged?

3. What does purulent sputum always contain?

4. Where is a patient with a severe form of pneumonia admitted to?

5. When does the pulse rate accelerate?

6. In what disease may a shadow in the lungs be revealed?

7. What unit of blood pressure is used in medicine?

8. What temperature is a severe form of lobular pneumonia usually accompanied by?

9. What particular signs is bronchitis accompanied by?

10. What treatment must a patient follow to improve his state in case of bronchitis?


VI. Домашнее задание к следующему занятию.

1. Выучить грамматический материал урока 9.

2. Выучить лексику по теме The Diseases of the Respiratory Tract..


VII. Контроль.

Устный опрос.

Список основной литературы

1. Маслова, Алевтина Макаровна. Английский язык для медицинских вузов: учебник / А. М. Маслова. - 5-е изд.,испр. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014. - 336 с.

2. Кондратьева, Виолетта Александровна. Немецкий язык для обучающихся-медиков: учебник / В. А. Кондратьева, Л. Н. Григорьева. - 2-е изд., испр.. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2012. - 400 с.: ил.

3. Евсюкова, Т. В. Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебник / Т. В. Евсюкова, С. И. Локтева. - 2-е изд,. стереотип. - М.: ФЛИНТА; МПСИ, 2011. - 358 с.

4. Гильфанова, Ф. Х. Немецкий язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / Ф. Х. Гильфанова, Р. Т. Гильфанов. - 2-е изд., стереотип. - Б. м.: ФЛИНТА, 2012. - 320 с.

5. Муравейская, М. С. Английский язык для медиков [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / М. С. Муравейская, Л. К. Орлова. - 11-е изд. - М.: ФЛИНТА, 2011. - 384 с.

6. Английский язык. English in Dentistry: учебник / Л. Ю. Берзегова [и др.]; ред. Л. Ю. Берзегова. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2013. - 360 с.: ил.


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