Read and translate the text into Russian. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Индивидуальные и групповые автопоилки: для животных. Схемы и конструкции...

Read and translate the text into Russian.

2017-10-11 1770
Read and translate the text into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Контрольная работа № 3


Exercise I

Read and translate the text into Russian.

An “Electronic Eye”.

An electronic eye is a device that can do hundreds of different things. In electronics and engineering it is called a phototube or a photocell. Photocells are widely used at metallurgical plants, in machine plants, in chemical and food industry. In machine plants an “electronic eye” can be used for inspecting machine parts. If the parts are worked not well enough, they do not reflect enough light into the phototube and are sorted out by a device as bad ones.

An “electronic eye” does another important work at a metallurgical plant. In the making of steel it is necessary that the temperature of molten metal be exactly right. As the steel gets hotter and hotter its colour changes from red – hot to orange and at last to white. By fixing the exact colour of the metal, a phototube, gives the most accurate measurements of its temperature. By passing the electric current of the definite strength to the controlling device, the phototube can

bring the metal to exact temperature wanted.

Photocells can be also used at canning factories where they can count the fimshed cans of food.

A phototube is placed on one side of the belt and a lamp producing a light beam is put on the other.

Every time a can comes between the light and the “eye” the current is stopped. Each time the electric impulse is started, it moves the counter one digit. The process results in me accurate count of every can moving along the conveyor of finished production.


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1) проверка деталей

2) температура расплавленного металла

3) точные измерения

4) подсчет каждой консервной банки

5) производство стали


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1) reflect light

2) steel gets hotter

3) pass the electric current

4) move the counter one digit

5) a controlling device

Exercise IV


Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Catching a Plane.

When you (are arrived, arrive) at an airport you should go straight (прямо) to the check-in-

desk where your ticket (билет) and luggage (багаж) (checked, are checked). You (keep, are kept) your hand luggage with you but your suitcases (take, are taken) to the plane on a conveyor belt. If you are on an international flight (полет) your passport (check, is checked), and then you and your bags (x-rayed, are x-rayed) by security cameras; sometimes you (give, are given) a body search (осмотр) and your luggage (searches, is searched) by a security officer.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

1. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

2. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

3. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

4. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

5. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

6. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

7. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

8. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


9. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI


Complete the statements with the infinitive or the gerund.


I love ________ (write) songs.

I can’t stand ________ (have) a routine.

I enjoy _________ (be) the centre of attention.

I don’t mind _________ (wear) a uniform.

I hope _________ (get) the chance to play.

I’d like _________ (help) people.

I can __________ (do) things for people.



Exercise I

Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1) хорошо известный факт

2) согласно определенным правилам

3) делать все возможное

4) ввести информацию в память компьютера

5) принадлежать к части речи


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1) indicate the grammar function

2) present in the form of a computer programme

3) add additional digits

4) let us suppose


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Stamps (Марки).

In 1840, Rowland Hill’s Penny Stamp Act (законопроект) became law (закон). Under this

law, letters (paid, were paid) for by weight (по весу). Previously they (had charged, had been

charged – взимать плату) according to the distance or number of sheets. It also became

compulsory (обязательный) to pay for postage in advance (заранее). This (had not done, had not

always been done) before and often people had refused (отказываться) to pay for letters which

(delivered, were delivered - доставлять) to them. Stamps (were introduced, introduced - вводить)

in 1840 as easy way of checking that postage (had paid, had been paid).


Number of sheets – количество листов (письма).


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

10. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

11. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

12. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

13. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

14. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

15. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

16. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

17. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


18. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I

Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. покупать и продавать товар

2. обычный смысл слова

3. ограничивать сделки

4. средства связи

5. транспортировка угля по железной дороге

Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. foreign exchange markets

2. affect the prices

3. produce coal

4. real estate markets

5. deal with one another


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:


Amy Johnson the first woman pilot to fly to Australia. Amy Johnson (joined, was joined) the London Aeroplane Club when she still a schoolgirl. There, she (taught, was taught) how to service planes and she (was introduced, introduced) to a pilot called Jim Mollison, who (was held, held) the record for a flight to Australia. In 1930 Amy (tried, was tried - пытаться) to beat the record. She did not succeed (добиться успеха) but she was still the first woman to fly to Australia. When she (was returned, returned), she and Jim Mollison (married, where married -поженились). Amy was very popular and song (wrote, was written) about her.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

19. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

20. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

21. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

22. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

23. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

24. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

25. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

26. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


27. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I

Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1) управлять работой цилиндров

2) переносить только один электрические сигнал

3) вводить команды в компьютер

4) работать со скоростью электрического тока

5) оборудовать различными электронными устройствами


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1) the control of electric current

2) solve any production problems

3) deliver two units of information

4) pass through the circuits

5) follow the instructions


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Picassos taken in £40m raid (внезапное нападение)

Swedish police just (have announced, have been announced) that five paintings by Picassos (have stolen, have been stolen) from Stockholm’s Modern Museum. The paintings (have valued, have been valued) by experts at about £40 million. Police believe that they (took, were taken) early on Saturday evening, but for some reason (по какой-то причине) the museum’s builar alarm (сигнал тревоги об ограблении) (not go off) and the theft (did not discover, was not discovered) until Monday morning.


announce – заявлять

steal – stole – stolen – красть


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

28. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

29. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

30. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

31. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

32. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

33. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

34. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

35. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


36. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI




Exercise I


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. Keep most money in circulation

2. Like any business

3. Store wealth

4. Direct exchange of goods

5. Needs seldom coincide


The Loch Ness (озеро) Wallet.

14 years ago Spanish tourist Gaspar Sanchez (was dropped, dropped – уронить) his wallet into the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. His passport, his car keys, his business cars and his money (were lost, lost) in 150m of water. This week the phone (was rung, rang) in Sanchez’s Barcelona flat and a Scottish policeman told him “Sir, your wallet (has found, has been found)!” It (discovered, was discovered) last Sunday on the bad (дно) of the loch (озеро) by some scientists in a submarine looking for (искать) the Loch Ness monster! (чудовище)


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

37. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

38. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

39. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

40. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

41. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

42. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

43. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

44. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


45. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. Ископаемые виды горючего

2. Порождать кислотные дожди

3. Самый чистый вид горючего

4. Может быть транспортирован через трубопровод

5. Нефть составляет 45% общих энергозатрат


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. The remains of prehistoric plants

2. Originate from ancient swamps

3. Causes air pollution

4. Decline coal consumption

5. Other kinds of renewable energy

Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Helen Reller a successful writer who was deaf (глухая) and blind (слепая). Helen Reller’s deafness (глухота) and blindness (слепота) (caused, were caused) (вызывать) by a severe illness (болезнь) when she was a baby. Her parents (were not known, didn’t know) what to do, and they (found, were found) it difficult to control their growing daughter. One day they (told, were told) about a brilliant young teacher called Anne Sullivan. She (came, was come) to work with Helen and very firmly (твердо) and patiently (терпеливо) (was taught, taught) her that every object had a name. Eventually Helen (offered, was.offered) (предлагать) a place at University. After this she (toured, was toured) (путешествовать) the world helping people like herself.



Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

46. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

47. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

48. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

49. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

50. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

51. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

52. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

53. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


54. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. Ископаемые виды горючего

2. Восстановленные источники энергии

3. Источники электроэнергии

4. Исчерпываться

5. Использовать подземное тепло


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. Compete effectively

2. Capture the sun’s light energy

3. Improve energy sources

4. Dependent on those sources

5. Available energy technology


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Charles Blondin the world’s most famous tightrope walker (канатоходец). Charles Blondin was born in a circus (цирк) family. He (taught, was taught) to walk on a tightrope (канат) when he was five. In 1839 he (became, was become) very famous when a high wire (канат) (put, was put) above the Niagara Fall (Ниагарский водопад) between America and Canada band he (was walked, walked) across it. Thousands of people (watched, were watched) him do it. Afterwards many of them (were carried, carried) across the water on his back.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

55. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

56. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

57. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

58. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

59. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

60. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

61. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

62. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


63. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. Нанести ущерб окружающей среде

2. Выбрасывать,вредные вещества

3. Пыле-газо улавливающее оборудование

4. Воспитывать человека

5. Уменьшить загрязнения окружающей среды


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. A true friend of nature

2. Train specialists

3. Enrich the ecological knowledge

4. Ignore recycling technologies

5. Improve the world we live in


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Catching a Plane.

When you (are arrived, arrive) at an airport you should go straight (прямо) to the check-in-desk where your ticket (билет) and luggage (багаж) (checked, are checked). You (keep, are kept) your hand luggage with you but your suitcases (take, are taken) to the plane on a conveyor belt. If you are on international flight (полет) your passport (check, is checked), and then you and your bags (x-rayed, are x-rayed) by security cameras; sometimes you (give, are given) a body search (осмотр) and your luggage (searches, is searched) by a security officer.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

64. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

65. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

66. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

67. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

68. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

69. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

70. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

71. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


72. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. Производитель газа

2. Безопасное решение энергетических нужд

3. Спроектировать безопасную систему

4. Возобновляемые энергетические источники

5. Энергетические потребности страны


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. Be in cooperation

2. Electricity generation

3. Wind generation facilities

4. Established large-scale nuclear plant

5. Coal mining


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:


Stamps (Марки).

In 1840 Rowland Hill’s Penny Stamp Act (законопроект) became law (закон). Under this law, letters (paid, were paid) for by weight (по весу). Previously they (had charged, had been charged – взимать плату) according to the distance or number of sheets. It also became compulsory (обязательный) to pay for postage in advance (заранее). This (had not done, had not always been done) before and often people had refused (отказываться) to pay for letters which (delivered, were delivered - доставлять) to them. Stamps (were introduced, introduced -вводить)in 1840 as easy way of checking that postage (had paid, had been paid).

Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

73. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

74. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

75. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

76. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

77. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

78. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

79. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

80. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


81. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI



Exercise I


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1. Плохое качество воздуха

2. Обязательная ежегодная проверка

3. Уменьшить выброс

4. Глобальное потепление

5. Полагают, что средняя температура повысится


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1. Domestic use of coal

2. Untreated coal

3. Poisonous effect of acid rain

4. On account of poor air quality

5. To tax carbon fuels


Exercise IV

Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:


Amy Johnson the first woman pilot to fly to Australia

Amy Johnson (joined, was joined) the London Aeroplane Club when she was still a schoolgirl. There, she (taught, was taught) how to service planes and she (was introduced, introduced) to a pilot called Jim Mollison, who (was held, held) the record for a flight to Australia. In 1930 Amy (tried, was tried) to beat the record. She did not succeed (добиться успеха) but she was still the first woman to fly to Australia. When she (was returned, returned), she and Jim Mollison (married, were married - поженились). Amy was very popular and song (wrote, was written) about her.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

82. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

83. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

84. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

85. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

86. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

87. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

88. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

89. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


90. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI


Контрольная работа № 3


Exercise I

Read and translate the text into Russian.

An “Electronic Eye”.

An electronic eye is a device that can do hundreds of different things. In electronics and engineering it is called a phototube or a photocell. Photocells are widely used at metallurgical plants, in machine plants, in chemical and food industry. In machine plants an “electronic eye” can be used for inspecting machine parts. If the parts are worked not well enough, they do not reflect enough light into the phototube and are sorted out by a device as bad ones.

An “electronic eye” does another important work at a metallurgical plant. In the making of steel it is necessary that the temperature of molten metal be exactly right. As the steel gets hotter and hotter its colour changes from red – hot to orange and at last to white. By fixing the exact colour of the metal, a phototube, gives the most accurate measurements of its temperature. By passing the electric current of the definite strength to the controlling device, the phototube can

bring the metal to exact temperature wanted.

Photocells can be also used at canning factories where they can count the fimshed cans of food.

A phototube is placed on one side of the belt and a lamp producing a light beam is put on the other.

Every time a can comes between the light and the “eye” the current is stopped. Each time the electric impulse is started, it moves the counter one digit. The process results in me accurate count of every can moving along the conveyor of finished production.


Exercise II

Give English equivalents of:

1) проверка деталей

2) температура расплавленного металла

3) точные измерения

4) подсчет каждой консервной банки

5) производство стали


Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents of:

1) reflect light

2) steel gets hotter

3) pass the electric current

4) move the counter one digit

5) a controlling device

Exercise IV


Fill the gaps with the correct verb Active or Passive Voice:

Catching a Plane.

When you (are arrived, arrive) at an airport you should go straight (прямо) to the check-in-

desk where your ticket (билет) and luggage (багаж) (checked, are checked). You (keep, are kept) your hand luggage with you but your suitcases (take, are taken) to the plane on a conveyor belt. If you are on an international flight (полет) your passport (check, is checked), and then you and your bags (x-rayed, are x-rayed) by security cameras; sometimes you (give, are given) a body search (осмотр) and your luggage (searches, is searched) by a security officer.


Exercise V. Conditionals

a) Translate the given sentences. Mind the First Conditional.


1. If the researcher uses this new approach, he will be able to avoid many errors.

2. He will help you by all means, if he has some free time.

3. The plant will not pollute the environment, provided it is provided with all necessary

protection equipment.

Translate the given sentences. Mind the Second and the Third Conditionals.


1. If I were in your place. I would receive the proposal.

2. He would translate the article, if he had a dictionary.

3. If the students had worked hard during the term, they would have passed the exam.

b) Rewrite the sentences using the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional. The second sentence must have the same meaning as the first.

1. You put oil on water, the oil floats.

If you put oil on water, it floats.

2. Madonna’s new record is coming out soon and I don’t want to buy it.

When ___________________________

3. President Kennedy went to Dallas and he was shot.

If _______________________________

4. Water boils when you heat it to 100C.

If _______________________________

5. I like sport so I watch the TV sports channel.

If _______________________________

6. Lennon and McCartney met so the Beatles existed.

The Beatles _______________________

7. I wear boots when it’s cold.

If _______________________________

8. Karl Marx and Chairman Mao never met so they didn’t have an interesting conversation.


9. It doesn’t usually snow in June in Europe so I can’t go skiing then.

If _______________________________



Exercise VI


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