Unit 15. Intonation of parentheses — КиберПедия 

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Unit 15. Intonation of parentheses

2017-10-11 702
Unit 15. Intonation of parentheses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Интонация вводных слов в начале предложения зависит от говорящего. Если говорящий не придает значение вводным словам, они, как правило, произносятся быстро, часто неударны и не образуют отдельную синтагму. Например:



Если говорящий придает большое значение вводным словам, они образуют отдельную синтагму и произносятся либо нисходящим, либо восходящим или нисходяще-восходящим тоном. Например:


Вводная смысловая группа в конце предложения обычно безударна или полуударна и продолжает мелодию предшествующей смысловой группы. Например:



Вводная смысловая группа в середине предложения может произноситься как с восхо-дящей, так и с нисходящей интонацией. Например:


Exercise I. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your atten-tion on the intonation of the replies.




Exercise II. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Mark the stresses andtunes in the replies.

Where do you go?

What about indoor games?


And how are things with you?

You're thirty-five, aren't you?

Are you fond of music?


Is it possible to see anything of Moscow in one or two days? Why not go to the Tretyakov Gallery?


The Tretyakov Gallery is much too big to be seen in an hour or so.


— I think, we prefer the Crimea.

— Well, there's chess, billiards,

cards, table tennis. By the way, do you play tennis?

— Not too good, I'm afraid.

— As a matter of fact I'm nearly forty.

— Of course I am.


— Well, yes, but not half enough.


— I think I will.


— I suppose it is.


What about a trip on the — That's not a bad idea you know.

Moskva river? I think that's a good idea.

Exercise III. Listen to the dialogue. Prepare it for test reading.

Morning and Evening

— What time do you get up as a rule?

— Generally about half past seven.


— Why so early?



— Because I usually catch an early train up to town.

— When do you get to the office?


— Normally about nine o'clock.

— Do you stay in town all day?


— Sometimes 1 do and sometimes I don't.

— What do you usually do in the evening?


— We generally stay at home. Once or twice a week we go to a theatre or to the picture. We went to the pictures last night and saw a very interesting film. Occasionally we go to a dance.

— Do you like dancing?

— Yes, very much. Do you dance?

— I used to when I was younger but not very often now. I'm getting too old.


— Too old? Nonsense! You don't look more then 50.

— As a matter of fact I'm nearly sixty.


— Really? You certainly don't look it.

— I'm glad to hear it. Are you doing anything special tonight? If not, what about coming with me to my club? You'd get to know quite a lot of interesting people there.

— I should love to but today happens to be our wedding anniversary and we're going out to-night to celebrate.

— Well, my heartiest congratulations!

— Thank you very much. I could manage to come along tomorrow night if that would suit



— Yes. Excellent. Let's make it round about eight o'clock.


— Very well. Thanks.

Exercise IV. Make up a short dialogue. Use:

Well; of course; as a matter of fact; I think; I suppose; for my own part; by the way; generally.


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