Find in the text and write down — КиберПедия 

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Find in the text and write down

2017-10-10 294
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· nouns with suffixes – ist, -ment,- ance,-tion

· adjectives with suffixes – al, -ent, - ful, -ic, -able

nouns adjectives
- ist - ment - ance - tion - al - ent - ful - ic - able


10. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases in the text:

Full – time students, part time students, correspondence course students, postgraduate students, theoretical science, applied science, practical training, hydraulic engineering, civil engineering, industrial electronics, information technology, environmental protection, human resources, computer science, hardware/software technology, graduation paper.

A. Find in the right column Russian equivalents of the following word combinations.

graduation paper широкий круг проблем
a wide range of problems вести научно-исследова­ тельскую работу
undergraduates техническое и программное обеспечение
hardware and software дипломная работа
to carry out scientific research студенты

B. Find in the left column English equivalents of the following word combinations.

оканчивать институт to train engineers
поступать в университет to gain experience
получать образование to play different sports
готовить инженеров student`s scientific groups
высшие технические учебные заведения to graduate from the institute
приобретать опыт to get education
студенческие научные общества to enter university
заниматься различными видами спорта higher technical schools


Match the following nouns with the appropriate adjectives.

workers reliable
development basic
equipment practical
subjects rapid
training outstanding
scientists skilled


13.Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as:

I think/suppose/ consider/believe; to my mind/ in my opinion; as far as I remember/ know/ understand; Let me see…; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think..; Let’s put it this way…; I’ll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That’s a good question.; That’s a difficult question. Let me see….

1. Where can students get technical education in Russia?

2. What specializations do technical universities offer?

3. What is the main trend in the development of higher technical education?

4. What subjects do the students study?

5. Where do the students go through practical training?

6. What does the computer course aim at?

7. What helps students to master their future profession?

8. What do postgraduates carry out?

9. Why do students belong to student`s scientific groups?

9. Do the students play sports?

Complete the following sentences.

1. In Russia young people can get technical education at … which train engineers for different ….

2. The total number of students of such educational institutions includes …, …, … and ….

3. Russian higher educational establishments offer different …..

4. Higher technical schools (universities, academies, institutes and colleges) develop …. that … of the society.

5. They …. in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial electronics, automation, surveying, geodesy, information technology, etc.

6. …. of higher technical education is the introduction of courses.

7. Computer science aims at …. with understanding how software and hardware technology ….

8. Laboratory work is ….

9. … will help students to de­velop their practical skills.

10. Students go through …. and become familiar with all stages of ….

11. A lot of students take part in … which …. usually con­duct.

12. … carry out research in different fields of science and engineering.

15. Dis­cuss with your partner

· Different specializations for students

· The main trend in the development of higher technical education

· Practical training

· Scientific and research work

16. Speak on the following topic:

· Higher Technical Education in Russia.


Read the text without dictionary. Sum up the information from the text.

Text B

In pre-revolutionary Russia there were several higher technical schools which trained engineers. The oldest Russian engineering school was in St.Petersburg, where some well- known scientists taught outstanding Russian scientests A.P. Karpinsky, B.I. Boky and others. Among the famous scientists who lectured at the Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk) Technical Institute was Professor I.K. Sobo- levsky, whose subject was geodesy.

The Technological Institute in Tomsk was opened in 1900. It was the oldest industrial and cultural center of Siberia. The Tomsk Tech­nological Institute had three departments: engineering, chemical and mining. The Don Polytechnic Institute was founded in Novocherkassk in 1907. In 1916 a new Tech­nological Institute in Yekaterinburg came into existence.

The total number of students did not exceed two thousand who graduated from technical institutes each year. That was far below the number needed. It was quite obvious that the small number of these institutions could not cope with the problem of training specialists in engineering. Little wonder that there was a shortage of engineers in pre-revolutionary Russia.

After the Revolution the Moscow Technical Academy was the first higher technical educational establishment. In the early thirties the Academy established close contacts with different industrial enterprises.

The need for engineers increased so much that the Academy could not cope with the problem of train­ing a large number of specialists for the country. As a result a lot of new technical institutes appeared all over the country

In 1950 a new technical institute was founded in Kemerovo, the center of the coal and chemical industries in West Siberia. Later the Kemerovo Mining Institute was transformed into the Polytechnic Institute which is now one of the largest and most important engineering colleges in West Siberia.

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