Part 1. Reading Comprehension — КиберПедия 

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Part 1. Reading Comprehension

2017-10-10 753
Part 1. Reading Comprehension 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.   6.  
2.   7.  
3.   8.  
4.   9.  
5.   10.  

Part 2. Use of English.

A. Business Letter

11. learn 16. especially 21. let
12. for 17. catalogues 22. look
13. steady 18. export 23. hearing
14. quality 19. payment 24. faithfully
15. of 20. with 25. department

B. A visit to Toledo

26. d 31. d 36. a
27. c 32. b 37. c
28. d 33. d 38. a
29. b 34. c 39. d
30. a 35. d 40. b

C. Grammar

41. c 46. a
42. b 47. c
43. a 48. b
44. d 49. a
45. b 50. d

Check your score

45–50 “5”

35-44 – “4”

26-34 – “3”

0-25 – “2”

Контрольные задания

Раздел I. Морфология. Глагол. Действительный залог.

Задание 1.

1 is running, has been running 2 are they doing, are working, have been working 3 is he, is, is playing, have been playing 4 live, have been living 5 has been doing, has not done 6 is, has been shining 7 are you doing, am reading, have been reading, have read 8 is, writes, has been writing, has written 9 have you been doing 10 have you found, am looking, have been looking, haven’t found it yet

Задание 2.

1 has been sitting, faded 2 flew, was crossing 3 looked, knew, had been crying 4 did not remember, came, had been afraid, had quarreled, had shaved/shaven 5 had they been waiting, arrived, 6 had landed, had passed, took, went 7 had not been, came 8 had thought, dared 9 came, discovered, had arrived 10 was writing, saw

Задание 3.

1 hope, come, will have finished 2 will be late, get, will have eaten 3 will have demolished, come 4 will be having 5 speed, have damaged… and injured… or killed 6 will arrive 7 will have solved 8 will you be wearing 9 will have gone…(will have) forgotten 10 comes, will have completed

Страдательный залог.

Задание 1.

1. My shoes has been cleaned and my suit has been brushed (by smb). 2. The room is used by us only on special occasions. 3. In some districts pigs are used to find truffles by the farmers. 4. The door was opened and the light was switched on (by someone). 5. The old theatre are being pulled on (by them). 6. Why wasn’t the roof mended before it fell in? 7. Bicycles mustn’t be left in the hall. 8. An enormous hole has been cut in the steel door by the burglars. 9. Far more money is being spent on food now than ten years ago.10. The paintings will be exhibited till the end of the month. Задание 2.

1 had been cut off 2 will you be sent 3 is used 4 was distressed 5 has it been painted 6 will have been packed 7 was being reorganized 8 is covered 9 will have been restored 10 is being served/has been served

Сослагательное наклонение.

Задание 1.

1 knew 2 hadn’t drunk 3 read 4 hadn’t seen 5 had consulted 6 didn’t have 7 had never been offered 8 hadn’t forgotten 9 had been 10 met


Раздел II. Синтаксис. Сложносочинённое и сложноподчинённое предложение.

Задание 1.

1 that shows; 2 which is not enough; 3 which is the recommended average; 4 controlling appetite; 5 who get less than eight hours of sleep; 6 which we can then access; 7 conducted on two groups of people; 8 they had seen; 9 in which one group slept; 10 who had had a good night’s sleep; 11 who had not slept; 12 he or she can help you with

Задание 2.

1 as 2 until, unless 3 just as 4 whenever 5 after, once 6 if 7 now that 8 while 9 as if, as though 10 assuming

Согласование времён.

Задание 1.

2. Ann asked how long I had been there.3. Peter asked if I was working as well as studying. 4. Ann wanted to know what I was going to study. 5. Peter asked if I had enrolled for more than one class. 6. Ann asked if I had seen the library. 7. Peter asked if I played rugby. 8. He also wanted to know if I would have time to play regularly. 9. Bill wondered if I had played for my school team. 10. Ann asked what I was interested in.

Задание 2.

Lester asked how old the child was. Jennie answered that she was a little over five. Lester wondered where Jennie had been keeping her all the time. Jennie answered that she had been at home until Lester had gone to Cincinnati the previous spring. She had gone down and brought the girl then. Lester wanted to know if she had been there the times he had come to Cleveland. Jennie gave a positive answer and said that he hadn’t let her come out anywhere Lester could see her.


Test 1. Simple or Progressive.

I. 1 d 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 d 8 b 9 d 10 a

II. Were we studying Economics and Finance at the University? Were we studying Economics or History at the University? We were studying Economics and Finance at the University, weren’t we? Who was studying Economics and Finance at the University? What were we studying at the University? Where were we studying Economics and Finance at the University?

Test 2. Perfect Tenses.

1 have known 2 will have completed 3 has gone 4 will have learnt 5 had gone 6 have forgotten 7 had had 8 won’t have written 9 have seen 10 haven’t phoned 11 had bought 12 have ridden 13 has got 14 haven’t heard 15 had finished 16 have read 17 had gone 18 has worked 19 shall/will have translated 20 has walked

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