Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. — КиберПедия 

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Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

2017-10-09 543
Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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beefsteak бифштекс

salt соль

pepper ['рерэ] перец

mustard горчица

spring onion зеленый лук

parsley петрушка

dill укроп

chocolates шоколадные конфеты

peaches персики

buckwheat porridge гречневая каша.


28. Practice the following bits of conversation "in a chain," substituting the italicized words by the words suggested in the lists.

1 A. Pass me the salt, please.

B. Here you are.

A. Thank you.

B. You are welcome.

( Words for substitution: bread, butter, sugar, pepper, mustard, spring onion, pars­ley, dill, jam, marmalade, cheese, sour cream.)

2.A. These cookies are delicious! Can I have another one?

B. Of course. Help yourself.

( Words for substitution: pies, chocolates, peaches, cakes, pancakes, rolls, buns, mari­nated cucumbers.)

3.A. Your fish salad is delicious! Can I have another helping?

B. Certainly, you are welcome.

( Words for substitution: meat salad, Russian salad, cab­bage soup, buckwheat por­ridge

4. A. Shall I cook liver for dinner?

B. Oh, great! We haven't had liver for dinner for a long time.

( Words for substitution: kidneys, turkey, cutlets, fish soup, pea soup, spaghetti, stewed cabbage, mushrooms, beef-steak, roast beef, fried potatoes.)

5.A. Do we have any coffee left?

B. No, I am afraid not.

( Words for substitution: tea, sugar, potatoes, chocolates,jam, honey, sour cream, cheese, chicken broth, onion, cutlets, tomatoes, cucumbers.)


6.A. Have another cup of tea?

B. No, thank you, I've had enough.

( Words for substitution: cup of coffee, glass of juice,

Piece of cake, piece of pie, helping of salad, plate of soup, sandwich, biscuit, apple)

7. A. Let me treat you to chocolate cake, I've made it myself.

B. Oh, thank you. The cake is delicious! You are a very good (wonderful, great) cook.

( Words for substitution: fish salad, meat salad, meatpie, raspberry pie, lemon pie.)

8.A. Help yourself to the salad.

B. Thank you with pleasure.

(Words for substitution: mushrooms, green peas, herring, cheese, sausage, ham, bacon, cake, pie, chicken.)


9.A. Will you have another helping of salad?

B. Oh no, thank you, I am afraid that would be too much.

(Words for substitution: tomatoes, green peas, her­ring, stewed meat, soup, porridge.)



10.A. What (is it that) smells so tasty?

B. It's chicken broth, I've just cooked it.

(Words for substitution: Cabbage soup, roast turkey, roast beef, buckwheat por­ridge, mushroom soup, fried fish, liver.)

Using the following patterns, say as many sentences as you can.

What do you like (prefer)?

What does your father (mother, sister, brother, friend, etc.) like (prefer?


I like (prefer) strong weak tea coffee with without sugar lemon
My father likes (prefers)        
  mother         milk
  sister         jam

Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. Help yourself... the salad.

2. Can I have another piece... pie?

3. She treated us...very tasty pancakes.

4. What did you have... dinner yesterday?

5.1 never eat much bread... breakfast.

6. Yesterday I had lunch... my friend.

7.... my way... home I dropped... a little cafe... Nevsky Prospect and had a piece... cake and a nice hot cup... coffee.

8.1 shall presently put the kettle...

9. Do you like your tea... lemon?

10.1 have something very tasty... you.

11. Help... me lay the table... breakfast.

12.1 usually have lunch... the school canteen.

13. Have another helping... soup. — Thank you,... pleasure.

14. Some people say that sugar spoils the taste... tea and that tea should be drunk... sugar.

15.... supper she usually has a couple... sandwich­es... sausage or cheese and drinks a cup... tea... lemon.

Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

was staying at a hotel [hou'tel] жил в гостинице

restaurant ресторан

nodded кивнул

pointed to показал на

pleased [pli:zd] with himself доволен собой

looked a little surprised [sa'praizd] выглядел немного удивленным

in despair [di'spea] в отчаянии

this time в этот раз

a package of tooth-picks пакетик зубочисток

Read the text.

A Sad Story

An English tourist, who was staying at a hotel in Paris came to the hotel restaurant to have dinner. He could not speak French, but he did not want to show it to people. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came up to his table, the Englishman took the menu-card and pointed to the first line. The waiter nodded and walked away. Very soon he returned and put a plate of mushroom soup on the table. The Englishman was very pleased with himself. He ate the soup and, when the waiter came up to the table again, pointed to the fifth line on the menu-card. The waiter looked a little surprised, but did not say a word. He walked away and soon returned, bringing the Englishman a plate of fish soup. The Englishman did not want to show the waiter that he did not know French, so he ate the fish soup. Then he pointed to a line in the middle of the menu-card, hoping that he would get some second course at last. This time the waiter brought him a plate of chicken broth. In despair, the Englishman pointed to the last line on the menu-card. And the waiter brought him a package of tooth-picks!

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