Interrogative, relative and conjunctive pronouns — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Interrogative, relative and conjunctive pronouns

2017-10-09 1274
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15.Analyse the pronouns in bold type and state whether they are conjunctive, relative or interrogative.

1. Avery Smallwood turned from his work on the verandah to see who was there. (A.M.)

2. He sighed impatiently. Nothing he had done that morning was worth the time that he had spent on it. (A.M.)

3. Who could have thought that he would walk out on us like that? (D. H.L.)

4. "What time did she go off duty last night?" asked Crome. (A.C.)

5. Still it would be better to have some idea what he was going back to. (P. A.)

6. Lanny stood facing a man he did not know and who did not know him but who had struck him because he was educated and wore decent clothes. (P.A.)

7. I remember you mentioned Wednesday and Friday. Which day shall we make it then?

8. Now the houses were begin­ning to take individual shape. He could sort them out and separate them. But how would he know which was home? He would have to ask somebody, which was a pity because he didn't want to. (P.A.).

9. And suddenly he knew how ashamed he would have been if Celia had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born. (P.A.)

10. He felt like one whose dream has come true, but too late.


16. Insert interrogative pronouns.

1.... colour is it to be, blue or violet?

2.... do you think can be entrusted with this task?

3.... are your intentions for the sum­mer?

4.... would you like to see as your assistant?

5.... turn is it now?

6.... is speaking?

7.... can I do for you?

8.... is he? Is he a lawyer?

9.... are you laughing at?

10.... problem are you working at now?

11. We serve coffee and tea.... would you like?

12.... of you did it?




17. Supply some or no. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I have... friends living in Leningrad.

2. There is... wine left in the bottle.

3. He found... new expressions in the book.

4. We have heard... news that might interest you.

5. The hall was full, so she could find... vacant seat.

6. They told me... strange story.

7.... flowers can be found far up north.


18. Answer the following questions: a) in the affirmative (using some or one); b) in the negative (using no, not any, not a, or none).


1. Has he many books on this subject?

2. Is there enough gasoline in the tank?

3. Have they noticed any changes?

4. Have you got any money on you?

5. Did they touch upon any new problem?

6. Is there a letter for me?

7. Were many questions left unanswered?


19. Insert some, any, no, not any or none.

1. Put... sugar in your tea, there is... (sugar) in it.

2. I see... cucumbers in the salad. Why haven't you added... (cucum­bers)? — I had... time to go and buy... 3. Have... jam, it is very good. — No, thanks, I don't want.... I take... (jam) with my tea.

4. Was there... cause for complaint? — No, there was.... (Yes, there was....)

5. He took out... strange instrument from his bag.

6. I can do it without... outside help.

7. Did... student answer better than he? —... did.

8. The formula is too clear to allow... misinterpretation.

9. Have... more ice-cream. — Thanks,... more for me. (I don't want... more.)

20. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Если есть какие-нибудь вопросы, задавайте их в письмен­ном виде.

2. Он рассказал нам несколько анекдотов.

3. Давайте встретимся в какой-нибудь другой день. В среду у меня совсем не будет времени.

4. У нас есть масло? — Да, немного осталось (нет, нету).

5. На нем была какая-то смешная шляпа.

6. Я вижу какое-то аппетитное блюдо на столе; давайте попробуем.

7. По-моему, я уже это видел в каком-то фильме. — Нет, вы ошибаетесь, никакого фильма на эту тему не было.

8. Есть ли какая-нибудь разница между ними? — Я не вижу никакой (раз­ницы) и думаю, что ее и нет. 9. Я думаю, он сможет сделать такой доклад без особой подготовки.

10. Я слишком мало с этим знаком, чтобы высказать какое-то определенное мнение.


21. Supply the appropriate pronoun out of those given in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. What book shall I bring you? —... you like, (some, any).

2. Is there... other choice? (any, no).

3. He can answer... question on the subject, (some, any, no).

4. I can answer now only... questions on the subject, (some, any, no).

5.... doctor will tell you that it is harmful to your health, (no, any).

6. Can we have... milk? (any, some).

7. Would you like me to give you... additional proof? (any, some).

8. Is... additional proof neces­sary? (any, some).

9. Why are... people so boring? (any, some).

10. Will you have... more tea? — Thank you. (any, no, some).

11. Will you have... more tea? You've had only one cup. (any, no, some).

12. Will you have... more tea, Charles? I think you've had more than is good for you. (any, no, some).

13. What material do you need?—... that is available, (some, any).

14. Shall I help you to... fruit? (any, some).

15. Were there... objections? (any, some, no).


22. Insert some, any, no, none or compound pronouns.

1. If you have... against me, speak out.

2. There is... famil­iar in his voice.

3. The scientist was in... need of an interpreter.

4. Is... the matter with you? —... is the matter.

5. Get off at the next stop and there... will show you the way (ask... to show you the way).

6. If you need... money, you must get... out of the savings bank; there is hardly... in the house.

7. We looked for the man, but there was... around.

8. We looked for a taxi, but there was... around.

9. If... interesting should turn up, we shall take ourselves to the movie for want of... better.

10. Should... interesting turn up, give me a ring at once.

11. Do you have... idea of what it is going to be? —... whatsoever.

12. You are expecting... to call, aren't you?

13. You are not expecting... to call, are you?

14. You are expecting... to call, are you?

15. Why the crowd? Has... happened?

23. Translate into English paying attention to the use of some, any, no and their derivatives.

1. Я вижу какую-то записку на нашем столе. Что, кто-нибудь заходил?

2. Вряд ли есть что-нибудь, чего он не видел. Его ничем не удивишь. Разве что у вас есть что-нибудь особенное.

3. По-моему, в брошюре есть кое-какие опечатки. Вы не заме­тили? — Я пока ничего не заметил.

4. Я ничего не могу вам ска­зать. Спросите кого-нибудь еще.

5. Я не вижу ничего подходя­щего для себя на витрине; не можете ли вы показать мне что-нибудь еще? — К сожалению, ничего больше не могу вам сейчас предложить. Зайдите в любой день на следующей неделе.

6. Неужели он вам ничего не рассказал? А ему есть что порас­сказать. Я думаю, что он за это время повидал больше, чем любой из нас.

7. Никто мне ничего не говорит. Может быть, вы мне что-нибудь скажете?

8. Я вижу чей-то мокрый зонтик в передней. Кто-нибудь пришел?

9. Не даст ли мне кто-нибудь из вас свои конспекты?

10. Не хотите ли еще пирога? — Спасибо, но я больше не хочу.

11. Разве не было другого выхода? — Абсо­лютно никакого.

12. Возьмите чьи угодно записи и просмотрите лекции, которые вы пропустили.

13. Удивляюсь, как это некото­рые могут так пренебрегать своими обязанностями.

14. Я слиш­ком устал, чтобы заниматься сейчас чем-нибудь серьезным.

15. Необходимо предпринять какие-то срочные меры. Дальней­шее промедление недопустимо.


24. Insert any, every or compound pronouns.

1. He comes here... day. You can find him in... time between 9 and 6.

2. I told you... I had to tell, there is hardly... to add.

3. I would give... to know...that is worth knowing.

4. I would give…I have in exchange for... that might save his life.

5. This was a small town, where... could tell you... about....

6. Don't bother about the colour. You can buy her a jersey of... colour. She has a perfect complexion and... colour becomes her.

7.... driver should strictly observe traffic regulations;... driver who violates the regulations in the slightest degree is sure to get into trouble.


25. Insert every, each or either or compound pronouns.

1.... day he comes here, and... time he asks me the same questions.

2.... side of the cube is equal to... other.

3. There was a huge building on... side of the square,... having a massive arched gate.

4. There were huge buildings on... side of the street and... had rows of balconies as its only decoration.

5. Which would you prefer, the Webster or the Oxford dictionary? —-,.. will do. Thank you.

6. We shall get books for... and give a copy to....

7. He shook hands and had a few minutes' talk with... of us.

8. The men and women were coming from the vineyard,... two of them carrying a basket of grapes.

9. The sisters were coming from the vineyard,... of the two carrying a basket of grapes.


26. Translate into English.

1. Каждую минуту мальчик вскакивал и выглядывал в окно.

2. Мы ждем его с минуты на минуту.

3. Каждое крыло коттеджа заканчивалось верандой.

4. Я помню каждый дом на нашей улице.

5. В общежитии были отдельные комнаты для каждых трех-четырех студентов, а каждый аспирант имел отдельную комнату.

6. Двое из них не смогли прийти, но каждый имел серь­езную причину.

7. Они осматривали каждый экспонат в музее с большим интересом.

8. В этом магазине большой выбор обуви любых размеров.

9. Вы всегда можете заказать здесь обувь любого фасона.

10. В гостинице есть две свободные комнаты; можете занять любую.


27. Insert both, either or neither.

1. There is a forest of fine oak-trees on... bank (banks) of the river.

2.... were present,... was helpful.

3. The man carried a suit-case in... hand.

4.... his hands being busy, he greeted me with a nod.

5.... of the two could sing.

6.... of them was (were) of the same opinion.

7. You may take... of the two, but not.... — I will take... or....


28. Translate into English.

1. В каждом конце коридора была дверь.

2. Он знает оба языка, но ни одного как следует, хотя в случае необходимости может объясниться на любом из них.

3. У меня было три вазы. Одна из них разбилась, а она была мне дороже любой из остав­шихся.

4. Какую мне взять книгу, я не читал ни ту, ни другую. — Возьмите любую, обе интересные.

5. Мне нравятся оба сорта яблок. Я, пожалуй, возьму немного того и другого.


29. Supply the appropriate word out of those given in brackets.

1. Will you kindly give me... number of the magazine? (another, the other).

2. They have corresponded for a long time, but neither of them has seen even a photo of.... (another, the other).

3. The cub would lap milk, but refused all... food, (other, the other).

4. This one is the strongest and the most cunning of all... cubs in the litter, (other, the other).

5. There were many people on the beach; some were bathing,... basking in the sun. (others, the others).

6. Two of the company left,... stayed for the night, (others, the others).

7. I see only five copies here. Where are... ones? (the other, the others).

8. I have lost my fountain-pen. I must buy.... (another, other).

9. I can give you only this dictionary, I have got no.... (another, other).


30. Translate into English.

1. Пришлось переправляться вброд: другой дороги не было.

2. Если вам не нравится этот портфель, я могу вам предложить другой.

3. Они были похожи как две капли воды, только один был немного выше другого.

4. В лагере осталось дежурить несколько пионеров. Одни готовили пищу, другие расчищали дорожки.

5. В комнату вошли двое. Одного я никогда не видел, лицо другого показалось мне знакомым.

6. Он попросил еще порцию салата.

7, Когда увидишь остальных, напомни им о нашем уговоре.


31. Fill in the blanks with all (all the) or whole (the whole of).

1.... progressive mankind is fighting for peace... over the world.

2. Workers of... lands unite!

3.... period of the existence of the Soviet Union is marked by constant achievements in... fields of industry, agriculture and science.

4.... must be done to prevent war.

5.... are interested in the solution of this problem.

6. I put... blame upon myself.

7.... city is being reconstructed.

8. He spilt... milk.

9.... ground was covered with snow.

10. Lomonosov devoted... his life to the development of Russian science.


32. Use all (all of) or both (both of).

Models: They are wrong.

Both of them are wrong.

They are both wrong.

We saw the film.

All of us saw the film.

We all saw the film.

1. We knew the truth.

2. They were surprised to hear it.

3. You have been mistaken.

4. Will they be present?

5. We have large families.

6. We hope to see you again.

7. You will find them there.

8. Can you come earlier?

9. They would have been glad to meet you.

10. You could have done it much better.


33. Paraphrase the following sentences:

a) by substituting every or compounds with it for all.

1. All was ready.

2. All were present.

3. Not all of the students know it.

4. We followed all their movements.

5. He has read all the English books in the library.


38. Analyse the word one in the following sentences.

1. One should not neglect one's duty.

2. There is only one way to do it.

3. She made the two rooms into one large one.

4. I felt for many days like one in a dream.

5. No one man is equal to the task.

6. The year was one of great scientific achievements.

7. The difference between a good walker and a bad one is that one walks with his heart and the other with his feet.

8. Five penny stamps and three twopenny-halfpenny ones, please.

9. One hardly knows what to suggest under the circumstances.


39. Use one or ones instead of the nouns in bold type where possible. Make other changes if necessary.

1. I did not take the book for any special reason. I simply took the first book I chanced to look upon.

2. These cherries are too sour. Haven't you got sweeter cherries?

3. My skis may be too small for you. Better take George's skis.

4. This copy is torn. Bring me another copy.

5. His boots are ready. — And what about my boots?

6. Which is my glass here? — Take the glass that is nearest to you.

7. There are two vacant tables over there. Which table will you occupy?

8. Are there any letters for me? — There are three letters.

9. We should not have taken this wireless. It seems to me that wireless was better.

10. She loves the boy as if he were her own child.

11. Ihave had enough soup. Give me no more soup.

12. This time the news is better than the news you brought us before.


40.Fill in no, no one or none.

1. I have invited all of them, but... have (has) come.

2. There is... doubt that you will cope with this work.

3..., are so blind as those who won't see.

4. That is... business of yours.

5.... was (were) able to understand what he meant.

6. An accident happened, but... great harm was done,... lives were lost.

7. We shall spare... efforts to achieve our aim.


41. Make the sentences negative without changing the form of the verb but making all other necessary changes.

1. I know both of them.

2. All of us know the way to the village.

3. Anyone will tell you this.

4. I think either of you is able to do it.

5. Have you any interesting books to read? — Yes, I have some.

6. Each of the students has already bought the latest issue of the magazine.

7. Both the friends enjoyed the play.


42. Make up suitable sentences out of the given parts.

someone of us has asked you on the phone
some   you called, but he didn't give his name
anyone   them will 'do
any   the students is ready to show you around the
everyone   the players can show you the way
each   those present have passed the test
      should be informed of the conditions of the contests


43. Give all possible combinations of the following words with the pronouns from the list below and use them in sentences of your own.

some, some of; any, any of; no, none of; every, everyone of; each, each of; either, either of; many, many of; not one, not one of; few, few of; most, most of; all, all of; both, both of

books, the students, article, our workers, friend of mine, his speech, five hours, time, the two parents, people, these methods, other day (days), the others, the other members




44. State which of the pronouns in bold type are reciprocal.

1. They looked at one another in bewilderment.

2. We couldn't hear each other's words for the wind.

3. He smoked one cigarette after another.

4. Although they lived in the same street they rarely saw each other.

5. The new-comer shook hands with the host and nodded to every other in the room.

6. These books are compli­mentary to one another.

7. Soames and June were seen to just touch each other's hands and look each at the other's left eye only.


45. Insert a reciprocal pronoun where necessary.

1. Do you hear... well?

2. When they met... they looked at... in astonishment.

3. One was Russian, the other — Bulgarian, so they could understand... rather well.

4. Was it the first time that you saw...?

5. The friends kissed and embraced....

6. The teams greeted... warmly.

7. The sisters strikingly resembled....


46. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns.

1.... of... two books would you like to read? — I have not read.... Could you give me...? I read very quickly and I shall bring... back in a week's time.

2. The summer turned out cold and rainy,... upset... my plans for the season.

3. Say... you like, but... of your arguments will convince me.

4. Lanny dumped... cases on the ground, flung away the cigarette-end, stretched..., then gripped a case in... hand and moved on.

5.... profes­sors approved of the plan but... suggested a different way of carrying it out than the....


47. Translate into Russian.

1. May ours be a happy meeting!

2. His was quite an unusual manner of speaking.

3. I adore that dear child of theirs!

4. Tell that brother of yours that he had better get out of here.

5. His was a happy lot!

6. Those piercing eyes of his, they see you through.

7. And where did you get that hat of yours? It shrieks to high heaven!


48. Translate into English.

1. Почему некоторые студенты делают так много ошибок в этом упражнении?

2. Оба дома были построены в одинаковом стиле, но каждый имел свои особенности.

3. Вы ничего не будете иметь против, если я приду еще раз (в другой раз)?

4. Я считаю, что все остальные вопросы имеют второстепенное значение по сравнению с этим.

5. Что я могу вам сказать, если я сам ничего не знаю об этом.

6. Эти факты известны всем.

7. В основном мое мнение сходится с вашим.

8. Я потратил целый день на эту работу.

9. Я потратил весь день на эту работу.

10. Все расстоя­ние, пройденное в тот день, составляло 32 километра.

11. Трудно было забыть ее лицо.

12. Вот еще экземпляр того же издания.

13. В сочинении было несколько таких ошибок.

14. Все, желаю­щие посетить выставку, должны записаться заранее.

15. Методы обучения языку на нашем факультете отличаются от методов, применяемых на других факультетах.

16. Мой спутник оказался уроженцем этих мест, и это дало мне возможность предвари­тельно ознакомиться с местом моей будущей работы.

17. Кто из вас поможет мне разобраться во всем этом?

18. Мы все уходим на работу в девять часов утра каждый день. Если вы хотите застать кого-нибудь из нас дома, приходите в любое время после пяти.

19. Каждый участник конференции получил персональное приглашение.

20. Телеграмма пришла сегодня утром.

21. Это были мои самые счастливые дни.

22. Таких вопросов не задавали.

23. По обе стороны железнодорожного полотна тянулись поля спелой пшеницы.

24. Так как я сидел близко от сцены, я мог сле­дить за каждым изменением лица актеров.

25. Товарищи были глубоко поражены тем, что я им сообщил.

26. Возьмите любую книгу и выпишите несколько примеров с этой конструкцией.

27. Известный русский художник И. Левитан написал много прекрасных картин. Многие его картины стали широко известны только много лет спустя после его смерти.

28. Мой друг показал мне картины, которые он написал в последнее время. Большин­ство из них посвящено жизни колхозной деревни.

29. Многие студенты сделали эту (одну и ту же) ошибку.

30. Большинство студентов делает подобные ошибки.

31. На секунду их глаза встретились, и они поняли мысли друг друга.

32. Счастливая у него была жизнь!

33. У вас есть при себе деньги? — Нет, совсем нет.

34. Это издание гораздо лучше предыдущего.

35. Вы будете сейчас заниматься историей или литературой? — Я займусь немного и тем и другим. 36. Все молоко свежее, можете пить из любой бутылки.

37. Вода в обоих кувшинах кипяченая, можете взять из любого.

38. Каждый студент должен знать, как пользо­ваться словарем.

39. Не знаешь, что и предложить при таких обстоятельствах.

40. Вот все, что я хотел сказать вам.

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